"There was a Young Girl of Majorca, whose Aunt was a very fast walker", from 'A Book of Nonsense', published by Frederick Warne and Co., London, c.1875 (colour litho), Lear, Edward (1812-88) / Bridgeman Images
"There was a Young lady of Russia, who screamed so that no one could hush her", from 'A Book of Nonsense', published by Frederick Warne and Co., London, c.1875 (colour litho), Lear, Edward (1812-88) / Bridgeman Images
"There was a Young Lady of Clare, who was madly pursued by a Bear" from 'A Book of Nonsense', published by Frederick Warne and Co., London, c.1875 (colour litho), Lear, Edward (1812-88) / Bridgeman Images