Sudbury, Gigi (Bridgeman Studio)

Creator details

Sudbury, Gigi
-I grew up in Gloucestershire and moved to Paris in my early twenties to learn to paint. I learnt by absorbing myself into a world of galleries, museums and life-drawing classes, going everywhere with a camera and sketchbook. Paris filled my head with ideas but I was overwhelmed. A trip to Italy brought some clarity: In the Cathedral of Borgo San Sepolcro I saw the 'Resurrection' by Piero della Francesca and I then knew I would always want to paint people and to capture life in a still, distilled moment. From the Italian Early Renaissance artists I learnt that it is possible to show a depth of feeling without words or drama. I had found a footing and a language I could bring to the present day. -Top artists: Piero della Francesca, Georges de la Tour, van Gogh, Frances Bacon, Chagall, Bridget Riley. -After living for 15 years in London I moved to Dorset where I live with my family and other animals. That landscape, my family and friends, everyday life and the imposing speed of change in the world around me, which I feel bound to treat optimistically, are what and why I paint.

Assets (80 in total)

I Found a Great Big Football, 2005 (oil on paper)
Night Return, 2003 (oil on board)
Study for a Journey, 2003 (oil on paper)
Tree and Strawberry Moon, 2016 (mixed media)
Toad, 2005 (painting)
Study for the Mother of Christ after the Crucifixion, 2004 (oil on canvas)
Green Night, 2004 (oil and gesso on paper)
My Blue-spotted Pig Took Me Home, 2003 (painting)
Fra Angelico's Prayer, 2001 (painting)
Zebra Trees, 2005 (oil on paper)
Shadow, 2005 (oil on paper)
Treetop, 2003 (oil on paper)

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