Berthelemy, Jean-Simon (1743-1811)

Creator details

Berthelemy, Jean-Simon (1743-1811)

Assets (10 in total)

Hundred Years War: Entry of the French army into Paris, April 13, 1436 (oil on canvas)
Jupiter and Callisto (oil on canvas)
General Bonaparte visiting the fountains of Moses, near Sinai, 28 December 1798
Denis Diderot (1713-84) 1784 (oil on canvas)
Siecle des Lumieres:
Dawn (oil on canvas)
Burghers of Calais in front of Edward III king of England in 1347 (oil on canvas)
Bacchante, 19th century (oil on canvas)
Saint Carlo Borromeo Attending to the Plague Victims, 1778 (oil on canvas)
Jupiter and Callisto

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