Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972) Assets (3945 in total)
The 'Champion' sheep of the Royal Show 1955 stands in a field, fells in the background, 1930s-60s (b/w photo), Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972) / Bridgeman Images
A sheep with very long horns, stands with a rosette on which reads 'ROYAL SHOW NOTTINGHAM CHAMPION', 1930s-60s (b/w photo), Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972) / Bridgeman Images
A shepherd holds a pen open whilst he steers a flock of sheep in with his stick at sheep trials, with the help of his sheepdog, 1930s-60s (b/w photo), Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972) / Bridgeman Images
A shepherd holds the pen gate open to allow sheep to enter, his sheepdog watches on, 1930s-60s (b/w photo), Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972) / Bridgeman Images
A view looking over Ashness Bridge with a lake and fells in the background, 1930s-60s (b/w photo), Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972) / Bridgeman Images
Two girls sit on the side of a stone bridge watching two ducks walking down a lane, 1930s-60s (b/w photo), Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972) / Bridgeman Images
View of Dobson Bridge spanning over a stream, fells in the background, 1930s-60s (b/w photo), Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972) / Bridgeman Images
A shepherd/farmer and a small boy watch a sheepdog herding some geese, fells and farm in the background, 1930s-60s (b/w photo), Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972) / Bridgeman Images
A shepherd/farmer stands behind a large flock of sheep, fells and farm in the background, 1930s-60s (b/w photo), Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972) / Bridgeman Images
A farmer/shepherd tends to a flock of sheep, fells in the background, 1930s-60s (b/w photo), Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972) / Bridgeman Images
A shepherd/farmer and a small boy watch a sheepdog herding some geese, fells and farm in the background, 1930s-60s (b/w photo), Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972) / Bridgeman Images
A shepherd/farmer and a small boy watch a sheepdog herding some geese, fells and farm in the background, 1930s-60s (b/w photo), Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972) / Bridgeman Images
A view through trees and shrubs to Newlands Farm and fells in the background, 1930s-60s (b/w photo), Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972) / Bridgeman Images
A view through trees to fells and possiby Newlands Farm in the very distance, 1930s-60s (b/w photo), Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972) / Bridgeman Images
A family stand on a track with woodland, farmland and fells in the background, 1930s-60s (b/w photo), Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972) / Bridgeman Images
View of chickens feeding on the ground, buildings (possibly a farm), a cart, piles of wood and snow capped fells in the background, 1930s-60s (b/w photo), Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972) / Bridgeman Images
A farmer drives a tractor in a field possibly cutting grass, in the background are woodland and fells, 1930s-60s (b/w photo), Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972) / Bridgeman Images
A woman out walking with three dogs near to a lake, fells in background, 1930s-60s (b/w photo), Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972) / Bridgeman Images
A woman stands in an open gateway looking out across a lake and fells, 1930s-60s (b/w photo), Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972) / Bridgeman Images
A view from the side of Blea Tarn Farm, farmland and fells in the background, 1930s-60s (b/w photo), Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972) / Bridgeman Images
A view of Blea Tarn Farm surrounded by a covering of snow and in the background fells, 1930s-60s (b/w photo), Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972) / Bridgeman Images
View of a man walking away from Blea Tarn Farm and in the background fells, 1930s-60s (b/w photo), Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972) / Bridgeman Images
A group of children standing around a lamb which is being bottle fed by a little girl, it is snowing, 1930s-60s (b/w photo), Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972) / Bridgeman Images
A small girl stands on a bridge with a goose and her babies, in the background is what appears to be a farm, 1930s-60s (b/w photo), Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972) / Bridgeman Images
A view of what appear to be multiple farms joined by a lane and surrounded by farmland, fells in the background, 1930s-60s (b/w photo), Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972) / Bridgeman Images
A man sits in a rowing boat on a lake with a building in the background, 1930s-60s (b/w photo), Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972) / Bridgeman Images
A girl on a horse and holding a branch stands at a doorway, greeted by two other girls and a dog, 1930s-60s (b/w photo), Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972) / Bridgeman Images
View of Low Gill eleven-arched viaduct with snow covered fells in the background, 1930s-60s (b/w photo), Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972) / Bridgeman Images
Two men in a rowing boat fishing on the River Eden underneath a bridge, 1930s-60s (b/w photo), Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972) / Bridgeman Images
A view across farmland, to the left of the image there is a cow grazing and a dry stone wall, 1930s-60s (b/w photo), Hardman, Joseph (1893-1972) / Bridgeman Images