Devas, Anthony (1911-58)

Creator details

Devas, Anthony (1911-58)
(1911-1958)<br> Anthony Devas studied at the Slade in London. Best known for portrait commissions, his ability to capture children was particularly noted. He was also a passionate and prolific painter of flowers and a keen gardener. A gregarious and popular figure and a committed member of the Chelsea Arts Club, he wrote regularly in the press on the arts scene, particularly as it affected jobbing artists like himself. <br> <br> Devas held one man shows at the Cooling Gallery, Wildenstein’s, Agnew’s and the Leicester Galleries, as well as participating in numerous mixed exhibitions. From the early 1940s he was also a regular exhibitor at the Royal Academy, to which he was elected in 1953. <br>

Assets (13 in total)

At the Couturier, 1955
Anthony Arthur Hicks, in a sun-hat, 1987 (oil on canvas)
Cocklers on the Beach (oil on canvas)
Thomas Sherrer Ross Boase, President of Magdalen College (oil on canvas)
Six O'Clock News, 1940 (oil on canvas)
An Aesthete (oil on canvas)
Seated Nude,  (oil on canvas)
Camilla Sykes and Mark, c.1948 (oil on canvas)
Anthony Hicks in a sombre mood, c.1987 (oil on canvas)
Camilla and Mark Sykes, 1947 (oil on canvas)
Dame Peggy Ashcroft as Imogen, Stratford, 1957 (oil on canvas)
Portrait of Laurie Lee (oil on canvas)

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