Macquoid, Percy (1852-1925)

Creator details

Macquoid, Percy (1852-1925)

Assets (138 in total)

Types of Old Swordsmanship II, the Sword and Dagger Duel (engraving)
Types of Old Swordsmanship, a duel with Small Swords in 1760 (engraving)
The Christmas Dinner,
Types of Swordsmanship, VI, the Modern Duel with Rapiers (litho)
Reflections (engraving)
An Encounter with Rapiers in 1668, the Duel between the Duke of Buckingham and the Earl of Shrewsbury (litho)
When Lovely Women Stoops to Folly (colour litho)
A Disarrangement in Blue (engraving)
The Crystal Palace Dog Show (engraving)
St David's Day in Wales (engraving)
Married for Money (chromolitho)
The Misery of Shopping with Women from a Dog's Point of View (litho)

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