ICA4923821: Cover of “” Le Grelot””, number 1317, Satirique en Couleurs, 1896_7_5: Great clerical manoeuvres - Anticlericalism - Crimes of the Church, Combative Eg, Republicans favorable to the Church - Meline Jules (1838-1925), Cures, Eveques, Monks - Illustration by Edouard Guillaumin (Pepin) (1842-1910), Pepin, Edouard Guillaumin (1842-1927) / Bridgeman Images
ICA4923967: Cover of “” Le Grelot””, number 1386, Satirique en Couleurs, 1897_10_31: La consigne - Anticlericalism - Ralliement, Eg dominatrix - Leon XIII, Meline Jules (1838-1925), Popes - Illustration by Edouard Guillaumin (Pepin) (1842-1910), Pepin, Edouard Guillaumin (1842-1927) / Bridgeman Images
ICA4923987: Cover of “” Le Grelot””, number 1387, Satirique en Couleurs, 1897_11_7: Council of Ministers - Anticlericalism, President of the Republic - Eg with reactionaries, Dominatrix Eg, Republicans favorable to the Church - Marianne, Faure Felix, Meline Jules (1838-1925), Eveques, Jesuites - Illustration by Edouard Guillaumin (Pepin) (1842-1910), Pepin, Edouard Guillaumin (1842-1927) / Bridgeman Images
ICA4923551: Cover of “” Le Grelot””, number 1170, Satirique en Couleurs, 1893_9_10: Le Coup du pere Francois Marinoni - Anticlericalism - Eg avec reactionaries, Eg combative, Coup du pere Francois - Hippolyte Auguste Marinoni (1823-1904) - Clemenceau George, Patron/Bourgeois, Eveques - Illustration by Eveques - Illustration by Edouard Guillaumin (Pepin) (1842-1910), Pepin, Edouard Guillaumin (1842-1927) / Bridgeman Images
ICA4924255: Cover of “” Le Grelot””, number 368, Satirique en Couleurs, 1878_4_28: Easter!!! - Anticlericalism - Eg with reactionaries, Antirepublican Eg, Failure of the Church, Resurrection, A dominant Marianne - Marianne, Bonapartist - Illustration by Edouard Guillaumin (Pepin) (1842-1910), Pepin, Edouard Guillaumin (1842-1927) / Bridgeman Images
ICA4923007: Cover of “” Le Grelot””, number 1323, Satirique en Couleurs, 1896_8_16: Les deputes picassiettes - Anticlericalism, President of the Republic - Eg with reactionaries, Eg combative, Republicans favorable to the Church - Faure Felix, Chouan, Depute, Cures - Illustration by Edouard Guillaumin (Pepin) (1842-1910), Pepin, Edouard Guillaumin (1842-1927) / Bridgeman Images
ICA4919076: Cover of “” Le Grelot””, number 360, Satirique en Couleurs, 1878_3_3: No one wants to recognize him - Anticlericalism, May 16 - reactionaries, Failure of the Church - Bonapartist, Legitimist, Orleanist, Sixteen May, Jesuites - Illustration by Edouard Guillaumin (Pepin) (1842-1910), Pepin, Edouard Guillaumin (1842-1927) / Bridgeman Images
ICA4919147: Cover of “” Le Grelot””, number 439, Satirique en Couleurs, 1879_9_7: L'article 7 aux conseils generaux - Anticlericalisme, Elections, Modernite, Religion, Conseils generales - Article 7, combative - Jesuites - Illustration by Edouard Guillaumin (Pepin) (1842-1910), Pepin, Edouard Guillaumin (1842-1927) / Bridgeman Images
ICA4921522: Cover of “” The Grelot””, Satirique en Couleurs, 1893_7_23: The kite - The wind of reaction blows - President of the Republic, Kite - Clemenceau George, Carnot Sadi (1837-1894), Dupuy Charles (1851-1923) - Illustration by Edouard Guillaumin (Pepin) (1842-1910), Pepin, Edouard Guillaumin (1842-1927) / Bridgeman Images
ICA4921544: Cover of “” Le Grelot””, number 1168, Satirique en Couleurs, 1893_8_27: Results of elections - Anticlericalism, Elections, Religion, Franc Maconnerie, President of the Republic, Vatican - Rallement, Failure of the Church - Leon XIII, Carnot Sadi (1837-1894) Popes - Illustration by Edouard Guillaumin (Pepin) (1842-Pepin) (1842 1910), Pepin, Edouard Guillaumin (1842-1927) / Bridgeman Images
ICA4919601: Cover of “” Le Grelot””, number 894, Satirique en N & B, 1888_5_27: Le syndicate bakiste - Germany Prussia, Antisemitism, Helmet a pointe, Case Boulanger - Case Boulanger - Boulanger Georges (1837-1891), Jew - Illustration by Edouard Guillaumin (Pepin) (1842-1910), Pepin, Edouard Guillaumin (1842-1927) / Bridgeman Images
ICA4923611: Cover of “” Le Grelot””, number 1207, Satirique en Couleurs, 1894_5_27: Record in Chamber - Anticlericalism, Modernite, President of the Republic - Ralliement - Leon XIII, Guesde Jules (1845-1922), Casimir-Perier Jean (1847-1907), Popes - Illustration by Edouard Guillaumin (Pepin) (1842-1910), Pepin, Edouard Guillaumin (1842-1927) / Bridgeman Images
ICA4923690: Cover of “” Le Grelot””, number 1284, Satirique en Couleurs, 1895_11_17: Hardi, les gas! - Anticlericalism, Impots - Failure of the Church - Bourgeois Leon (1851-1925), Mesureur Gustave (1847-1925), Cures, Eveques - Illustration by Edouard Guillaumin (Pepin) (1842-1910), Pepin, Edouard Guillaumin (1842-1927) / Bridgeman Images
ICA4923876: Cover of “” Le Grelot””, number 1342, Satirique en Couleurs, 1896_12_27: La depopulation - Anticlericalism, Feminism anti, Valenciennes - Marriage of religious - Femmes, Cures - Illustration by Edouard Guillaumin (Pepin) (1842-1910), Pepin, Edouard Guillaumin (1842-1927) / Bridgeman Images
ICA4923949: Cover of “” The Grelot””, numbero 1360, Satirique en Couleurs, 1897_5_2: The fall of an angel - Anticlericalism - Failure of the Church - Taxil Leo (1854-1907), Diable, Cures, Eveques - Illustration by Edouard Guillaumin (Pepin) (1842-1910), Pepin, Edouard Guillaumin (1842-1927) / Bridgeman Images
ICA4924588: Cover of “” Le Grelot””, number 1023, Satirique en Couleurs, 1890_11_16: L'election de Montmartre - Anticlericalism, Elections, Affaire Boulanger, Montmartre - Boulanger Georges 1837-1891) - Illustration by Edouard Guillaumin (Pepin) (1842-1910), Pepin, Edouard Guillaumin (1842-1927) / Bridgeman Images
ICA4924492: Cover of “” Le Grelot””, number 994, Satirique en Couleurs, 1890_4_20: Candidates of religion - Anticlericalism - Eg with reactionaries, Divisions within the Church - Taxil Leo (1854-1907), Leon XIII, Dog, Pork, Drumont Edouard (1844-1917) - Illustration by Edouard Guillaumin (Pepin) (1842-1910), Pepin, Edouard Guillaumin (1842-1927) / Bridgeman Images
ICA4924188: Cover of “” Le Grelot””, number 364, Satirique en Couleurs, 1878_3_31: They are all republicans - Anticlericalism, Elections - Eg with reactionaries, Eg anti-republican, Transvestissement des religieux - Bonapartiste, Legitimist, Jesuites - Illustration by Edouard Guillaumin (Pepin) (1842-1910), Pepin, Edouard Guillaumin (1842-1927) / Bridgeman Images
ICA4924291: Cover of “” Le Grelot””, number 373, Satirique en Couleurs, 1878_6_2: Patouillet, Nonotte et cie - Anticlericalism - Obscurantism, Crimes of the Church, Failure of the Church - Voltaire, Jesuites - Illustration by Edouard Guillaumin (Pepin) (1842-1910), Pepin, Edouard Guillaumin (1842-1927) / Bridgeman Images
ICA4919828: Cover of “” Le Grelot””, number 960, Satirique en Couleurs, 1889_9_1: Why they are bakers! - Anticlericalism, Case Boulanger - Separation of Church and State, Eg with reactionaries, Service militaire cure - Boulanger Georges (1837-1891), Bonapartiste, Legitimist, Jesuit - Illustration by Edouard Guillaumin (Pepin) (1842-1910), Pepin, Edouard Guillaumin (1842-1927) / Bridgeman Images
ICA4919709: Cover of “” Le Grelot””, Satirique en Couleurs, 1889_6_15: La greve des colignons - President of the Republique - Boulanger Georges (1837-1891), Rochefort Henri (1831-1913), Marianne, Cassagnac Paul de (1843-1904), Deroulede Paul (1846-1914), Naquet Alfred 1916), Carnot Sadi (1837-1894), Count of Paris (Philippe d'Orleans, 1838-1894), Plon-Plon Jerome Bonaparte (1822-1891) - Illustration by Edouard Guillaumin (Pepin) (1842-1910), Pepin, Edouard Guillaumin (1842-1927) / Bridgeman Images
LSE4088236: The rabbit started! - Cartoon on the Franco-German conflict, a dog wearing a Prussian helmet denounces a rabbit wearing a cap of the French army, before a court presides over Europe and contains predatory birds and crowns - Illustration by Edouard Pepin (Claude Guillaumin, 1842-1927), engraving for the cover of Le Grelot, February 1877 -, Pepin, Edouard Guillaumin (1842-1927) / Bridgeman Images
ICA4924093: Cover of “” Le Grelot””, numbero 1478, Satirique en Couleurs, 1899_8_6: Dieu Protects France - Anticlericalism, Armee, Dreyfus affair, Conseil de guerre - Dreyfus affair - Dieu, Pigeon (St Esprit) - Illustration by Edouard Guillaumin (Pepin) (1842-1910), Pepin, Edouard Guillaumin (1842-1927) / Bridgeman Images
ICA4919788: Cover of “” Le Grelot””, number 956, Satirique en Couleurs, 1889_8_4: Reponse du berger à la bergere - Anticlericalism, Elections, Affaire Boulanger, Suffrage universal - Eg avec reactionaries, Failure of the Church, Affaire Boulanger - Boulanger Georges (1837-1891), Cures - Illustration by Edouard Guillaumin (Pepin) (184441) 2-1910), Pepin, Edouard Guillaumin (1842-1927) / Bridgeman Images