TRK5495028: “" Mary Salome, mother of the apostles John and James the Major, begged Jesus to be able to keep them with her, but the two brothers would follow Jesus "” Miniature by Cristoforo De Predis from the History of the New Testament, 1476. Biblioteca Reale, Turin (153-013098)., Predis, Cristoforo de (1440-86) / Bridgeman Images
TRK5495750: “Pontius Pilate (Pontius Pilatius) made a plaque or is inscribed “I.N.R.I” “Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jews"” Miniature by Cristoforo De Predis (1440-1486) after the History of the New Testament, 1476. Biblioteca Reale, Turin (153-013241), Predis, Cristoforo de (1440-86) / Bridgeman Images
TRK5495802: The three Mary discover the tomb of Christ empty. They hold an ointment to perfume the body of Christ. Among them is Saint Mary Magdalene.. Miniature of Cristoforo De Predis from the History of the New Testament, 1476. Biblioteca Reale, Turin. (153-013237), Predis, Cristoforo de (1440-86) / Bridgeman Images