Lariviere, Charles-Philippe (1798-1876)

Creator details

Lariviere, Charles-Philippe (1798-1876)

Assets (20 in total)

The Battle of Montgisard (1177), c.1842 (oil on canvas)
Thirty Years' War:
Jean-Baptiste de Vimeur (1725-1807) Count of Rochambeau (oil on canvas)
Battle of the Dunes, 14th June 1658, 1837 (oil on canvas)
Lift from the seat of Malta, 1842 (oil on canvas)
Portrait of Eugénie-Pamela Larivière, sister of the artist (oil on canvas)
Hundred Years' War (1337-1453), 1837 (oil on canvas)
Portrait en pied de Thomas Robert Bugeaud de la Piconnerie, Duke of Isly in 1844, marechal of France in 1843 Governor General of Algeria, 1845 (oil on canvas)
Thomas Robert Bugeaud de la Piconnerie, Marshall of France in 1843 (oil on canvas)
Georges Mouton (1770-1838) Count of Lobau, 1835 (oil on canvas)
Triumphant Entrance of Prince President Louis Napoleon Bonaparte in Paris October 17, 1852 (oil on canvas)
Achille (1795-1878) Count Baraguay d'Hilliers, 1857 (oil on canvas)

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