Portrait of Actress Tamara Aleksandrova, actress at the Romani Theatre, Moscow, 1962 (tempera on paper), Gippius, Natalia (1905-94) / Bridgeman Images
The Pavillion of Mechanisation at the Exhibition of Economical Achievements of the USSR, 1966 (tempera on paper), Gippius, Natalia (1905-94) / Bridgeman Images
Cattle In Enclosure: The Exhibition of Economical Achievements of the USSR, 1966 (tempera on paper), Gippius, Natalia (1905-94) / Bridgeman Images
The Female Tractor Brigade is Being Awarded the Red Banner of the Central Committe of Mordova., 1942-43 (oil on paper), Gippius, Natalia (1905-94) / Bridgeman Images