Brauner, Luis Arcas (1934-89)

Creator details

Brauner, Luis Arcas (1934-89)

Assets (84 in total)

The Boston Tea Party
King Canute
Davy Crockett eventually fell to the ceaseless Mexican attacks (colour litho)
Captain Rouget de Lisle, composer of the Marseillaise
Renoir was confined to a bath chair through rheumatism (colour litho)
Einstein worked at numerous universities and polytechnics (colour litho)
Gauguin and Charles Laval worked as labourers on the Panama Canal (colour litho)
Jim Bowie is said to have been the last Texan alive at the Alamo (colour litho)
Manet painting the girl behind the bar at the Folies-Bergere (colour litho)
Renoir painted the countryside around him (colour litho)
Van Meegeren was able to prove that he had forged the paintings (colour litho)
Renoir worked alongside his friend Monet developing a style of painting known as Impressionism (colour litho)

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