Hardy, Norman (1864-1914)

Creator details

Hardy, Norman (1864-1914)

Assets (130 in total)

Women of Rennell Island (Polynesia) (colour litho)
A Haida Woman of Queen Charlotte Island (North-West America) (colour litho)
A Village in the New Hebrides, 1908 (colour litho)
Climbing after green coconuts, 1908 (colour litho)
Le Masque mokenge des Bangongo, illustration from 'Notes ethnographiques sur les peuples communément appelés Bakuba...', by Emil Torday (w/c on paper)
'A Yam shed and natives', Espiritu Santo, New Hebrides, 1908 (colour litho)
In the depths of a Melanesian forest, 1908 (colour litho)
Kenyah-Kayan Girl: Sarawak, Borneo (colour litho)
Sinhalese Devil-Dancers (colour litho)
Woman of the Rigo District: British New Guinea (colour litho)
A Village in the Solomon Islands, 1908 (colour litho)
A 'Dug-Out' with Outriggers on the seas of the New Hebrides, 1908 (colour litho)

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