Native American Assets (41 in total)

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Sarape, Wearing Blanket, Navajo Culture, c.1860 (wool & dye)
Sarape, Wearing Blanket, Navajo Culture, c.1860 (wool & dye)

LWE692768: Sarape, Wearing Blanket, Navajo Culture, c.1860 (wool & dye), Native American / Bridgeman Images

Feast Bowl, Chippewa, c.1850 (ash wood)
Feast Bowl, Chippewa, c.1850 (ash wood)

DTR241649: Feast Bowl, Chippewa, c.1850 (ash wood), Native American / Bridgeman Images

Painting of a Madonna, Pueblo Indian, 1675 (hide)
Painting of a Madonna, Pueblo Indian, 1675 (hide)

BAL4256: Painting of a Madonna, Pueblo Indian, 1675 (hide), Native American / Bridgeman Images

The Chandler-Pohrt Winter-Count, Dakota Sioux, 1890-1900 (cotton muslin)
The Chandler-Pohrt Winter-Count, Dakota Sioux, 1890-1900 (cotton muslin)

DTR3281685: The Chandler-Pohrt Winter-Count, Dakota Sioux, 1890-1900 (cotton muslin), Native American / Bridgeman Images

Leggings, Chippewa (cotton with glass beads & wool twill)
Leggings, Chippewa (cotton with glass beads & wool twill)

DTR660942: Leggings, Chippewa (cotton with glass beads & wool twill), Native American / Bridgeman Images

Storage Bag, Potawatomi Culture, c.1890 (cotton twine & wool yarn)
Storage Bag, Potawatomi Culture, c.1890 (cotton twine & wool yarn)

DTR660943: Storage Bag, Potawatomi Culture, c.1890 (cotton twine & wool yarn), Native American / Bridgeman Images

Storage Bag, Potawatomi Culture, c.1890 (cotton twine & wool yarn)
Storage Bag, Potawatomi Culture, c.1890 (cotton twine & wool yarn)

DTR660944: Storage Bag, Potawatomi Culture, c.1890 (cotton twine & wool yarn), Native American / Bridgeman Images

Wearing Blanket, Potawatomi Culture, 1860-80 (wool and silk)
Wearing Blanket, Potawatomi Culture, 1860-80 (wool and silk)

DTR781296: Wearing Blanket, Potawatomi Culture, 1860-80 (wool and silk), Native American / Bridgeman Images

Covered basket container, c.1875 (porcupine quills & birch bark)
Covered basket container, c.1875 (porcupine quills & birch bark)

BST711904: Covered basket container, c.1875 (porcupine quills & birch bark), Native American / Bridgeman Images

Shoulder Bag (blackened buckskin, porcupine quills & vegetal fibre)
Shoulder Bag (blackened buckskin, porcupine quills & vegetal fibre)

DTR781294: Shoulder Bag (blackened buckskin, porcupine quills & vegetal fibre), Native American / Bridgeman Images

Rattles, Masseth or Haida, 19th century (wood)
Rattles, Masseth or Haida, 19th century (wood)

XOS5669115: Rattles, Masseth or Haida, 19th century (wood), Native American / Bridgeman Images

Rattle, Masseth or Haida, 19th century (wood)
Rattle, Masseth or Haida, 19th century (wood)

XOS5669118: Rattle, Masseth or Haida, 19th century (wood), Native American / Bridgeman Images

Triangular Carved Bracket (Tset-tesh Kwim-nai), She-we-na (Zuni Pueblo) 1775-76 (wood, gesso & pigment)
Triangular Carved Bracket (Tset-tesh Kwim-nai), She-we-na (Zuni Pueblo) 1775-76 (wood, gesso & pigment)

TBM3060382: Triangular Carved Bracket (Tset-tesh Kwim-nai), She-we-na (Zuni Pueblo) 1775-76 (wood, gesso & pigment), Native American / Bridgeman Images

Man's Shirt, Winnebago Culture (wool, silk ribbon, velvet ribbon & glass beads)
Man's Shirt, Winnebago Culture (wool, silk ribbon, velvet ribbon & glass beads)

DTR781295: Man's Shirt, Winnebago Culture (wool, silk ribbon, velvet ribbon & glass beads), Native American / Bridgeman Images

Big Bow surrounded by Navajos, c.1880 (pencil & coloured crayon on paper)
Big Bow surrounded by Navajos, c.1880 (pencil & coloured crayon on paper)

CIN3327186: Big Bow surrounded by Navajos, c.1880 (pencil & coloured crayon on paper), Native American / Bridgeman Images

Comb with Caribou Image (walrus ivory)
Comb with Caribou Image (walrus ivory)

UEA420309: Comb with Caribou Image (walrus ivory), Native American / Bridgeman Images

Hand and grinding stones, 700-1400 (stone)
Hand and grinding stones, 700-1400 (stone)

BST711894: Hand and grinding stones, 700-1400 (stone), Native American / Bridgeman Images

Bottle with Underwater Serpents, 1300-1500 (earthenware & pigment)
Bottle with Underwater Serpents, 1300-1500 (earthenware & pigment)

INC2968786: Bottle with Underwater Serpents, 1300-1500 (earthenware & pigment), Native American / Bridgeman Images

Coiled Basket, c.1900 (grass with sedge root dye and bracken fern root dye)
Coiled Basket, c.1900 (grass with sedge root dye and bracken fern root dye)

STM752707: Coiled Basket, c.1900 (grass with sedge root dye and bracken fern root dye), Native American / Bridgeman Images

Rattle, Skittagetan or Haida, 19th century (wood)
Rattle, Skittagetan or Haida, 19th century (wood)

XOS5669117: Rattle, Skittagetan or Haida, 19th century (wood), Native American / Bridgeman Images

Bowl, Late Formative period, 850-950 (earthenware with slip paint)
Bowl, Late Formative period, 850-950 (earthenware with slip paint)

BST711869: Bowl, Late Formative period, 850-950 (earthenware with slip paint), Native American / Bridgeman Images

Bowl, 1050-1200 (earthenware with slip paint)
Bowl, 1050-1200 (earthenware with slip paint)

BST711879: Bowl, 1050-1200 (earthenware with slip paint), Native American / Bridgeman Images

Comb with Human Head (antler)
Comb with Human Head (antler)

UEA420310: Comb with Human Head (antler), Native American / Bridgeman Images

Effigy, c.900-1400 (earthenware)
Effigy, c.900-1400 (earthenware)

BST711902: Effigy, c.900-1400 (earthenware), Native American / Bridgeman Images

Cribbage board, 1875-1925 (walrus ivory & pigment)
Cribbage board, 1875-1925 (walrus ivory & pigment)

BST711907: Cribbage board, 1875-1925 (walrus ivory & pigment), Native American / Bridgeman Images

Mask: spirit face, late 19th century (wood, paint, feathers & gut)
Mask: spirit face, late 19th century (wood, paint, feathers & gut)

DMA1068969: Mask: spirit face, late 19th century (wood, paint, feathers & gut), Native American / Bridgeman Images

Bowl, c.1325-1400 (earthenware with slip paint)
Bowl, c.1325-1400 (earthenware with slip paint)

BST711881: Bowl, c.1325-1400 (earthenware with slip paint), Native American / Bridgeman Images

Magpie, Howling Wolf, Southern Cheyenne, 1874-75 (pen, ink & w/c on paper)
Magpie, Howling Wolf, Southern Cheyenne, 1874-75 (pen, ink & w/c on paper)

ALM3313438: Magpie, Howling Wolf, Southern Cheyenne, 1874-75 (pen, ink & w/c on paper), Native American / Bridgeman Images

Tripod Vessel with Two Handles, Ulua Late Classic or Early Post Classic Period AD800-1000 (white marble with pink veins)
Tripod Vessel with Two Handles, Ulua Late Classic or Early Post Classic Period AD800-1000 (white marble with pink veins)

UEA420311: Tripod Vessel with Two Handles, Ulua Late Classic or Early Post Classic Period AD800-1000 (white marble with pink veins), Native American / Bridgeman Images

Reclining Female Figure, Early Formative Period 1200-900BC (terracotta, cream slip & red pigment)
Reclining Female Figure, Early Formative Period 1200-900BC (terracotta, cream slip & red pigment)

UEA420330: Reclining Female Figure, Early Formative Period 1200-900BC (terracotta, cream slip & red pigment), Native American / Bridgeman Images

Bowl with Wolf Head (mountain-sheep horn)
Bowl with Wolf Head (mountain-sheep horn)

UEA420308: Bowl with Wolf Head (mountain-sheep horn), Native American / Bridgeman Images

Pendant, Sante Fe, c.1950 (turquoise, silver, coral & resin)
Pendant, Sante Fe, c.1950 (turquoise, silver, coral & resin)

TBR623270: Pendant, Sante Fe, c.1950 (turquoise, silver, coral & resin), Native American / Bridgeman Images

Olla, water jar, c.1050-1200 (earthenware with slip paint)
Olla, water jar, c.1050-1200 (earthenware with slip paint)

BST711878: Olla, water jar, c.1050-1200 (earthenware with slip paint), Native American / Bridgeman Images

Bowl, 1200-1500 (earthenware with slip paint)
Bowl, 1200-1500 (earthenware with slip paint)

BST711880: Bowl, 1200-1500 (earthenware with slip paint), Native American / Bridgeman Images

Bowl, c.1175-1280 (earthenware with slip paint)
Bowl, c.1175-1280 (earthenware with slip paint)

BST711890: Bowl, c.1175-1280 (earthenware with slip paint), Native American / Bridgeman Images

Pestle and mortar, 700-1400 (stone)
Pestle and mortar, 700-1400 (stone)

BST711892: Pestle and mortar, 700-1400 (stone), Native American / Bridgeman Images

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