Saint in ecstasy in front of the Monstrance (L'estasi di un Santo davanti all'Ostensorio), by Francesco Guardi, 1740 - 1750, 18th Century, oil on canvas, 87 x 69 cm, Guardi, Francesco (1712-93) / Bridgeman Images
The departure of the Bucentaur to the Venice's Lido for the Ascension Day ceremony (oil on canvas, 1766-1770), Guardi, Francesco (1712-93) / Bridgeman Images
View of the Piazzetta (part of piazza San Marco) and the bookeria Marciana (library) in Venice Painting by Francesco Guardi (1712-1793), 18th century. Dim. 73x80,5 cm Vienna, Akademie der bildenden Kunste, Guardi, Francesco (1712-93) / Bridgeman Images
Pius VI takes leave of the doge in the convent of San Zanipolo, by Francesco Guardi, 18th century, oil on canvas., Guardi, Francesco (1712-93) / Bridgeman Images