The fall of angels (the angels dechus) Illustration by Gustave Dore for “Paradise Lost” by John Milton (1608-1674). Engraving from 1866. Private Collection, Dore, Gustave (1832-83) / Bridgeman Images
Lucifer (Satan, dechu angel, fell from heaven to Earth) reflected by perverting Adam and Eve. Illustration by Gustave Dore for “Paradise Lost” by John Milton (1608-1674). Engraving from 1866. Private Collection, Dore, Gustave (1832-83) / Bridgeman Images
The snake is heading to Adam and Eve. Illustration by Gustave Dore for “Paradise Lost” by John Milton (1608-1674). Engraving from 1866. Private Collection, Dore, Gustave (1832-83) / Bridgeman Images
The snake is heading to Adam and Eve. Illustration by Gustave Dore for “Paradise Lost” by John Milton (1608-1674) - Temptation - Fishing - Engraving from 1866. Private Collection, Dore, Gustave (1832-83) / Bridgeman Images
Adam and Eve are hunting from Paradise. Illustration by Gustave Dore for “Paradise Lost” by John Milton (1608-1674). Engraving from 1866. Private Collection, Dore, Gustave (1832-83) / Bridgeman Images
The wolf became shepherd: fable by Jean de la Fontaine illustree by Gustave Dore - The wolf turned shepherd -, Dore, Gustave (1832-83) / Bridgeman Images
Album of the Siege of Paris, Shell of Cafe de Versailles, rue de Rennes (pen & brown ink wash & pencil on paper), Dore, Gustave (1832-83) / Bridgeman Images
Album of the Siege of Paris, Election meeting rue Maison Dieu, Plaisance (pen & brown ink wash & pencil on paper), Dore, Gustave (1832-83) / Bridgeman Images
After a work by Gustave Dore from Fables by La Fontaine. From Life and Reminiscences of Gustave Dore, published 1885., Dore, Gustave (1832-83) / Bridgeman Images
Flower Girl after a work by Gustave Dore. From Life and Reminiscences of Gustave Dore, published 1885., Dore, Gustave (1832-83) / Bridgeman Images
After a drawing done in 1880 by Gustave Dore of his nurse Francoise. From Life and Reminiscences of Gustave Dore, published 1885., Dore, Gustave (1832-83) / Bridgeman Images
Gypsy Caves, Sacro Monte, Granada, Spain, from 'Spanish Pictures' by the Reverend Samuel Manning, published in 1870 (engraving), Dore, Gustave (1832-83) / Bridgeman Images
Billingsgate - Early Morning, from 'London, a Pilgrimage', written by William Blanchard Jerrold (1826-84) & engraved by A. Doms, 1872 (engraving), Dore, Gustave (1832-83) / Bridgeman Images
A Riverside Street, from 'London, a Pilgrimage', written by William Blanchard Jerrold (1826-84) & engraved by Charles Laplante (d.1903) pub. 1872 (engraving), Dore, Gustave (1832-83) / Bridgeman Images
Brewers at Work, from 'London, a Pilgrimage', written by William Blanchard Jerrold (1826-84) & engraved by J. Huyot, pub. 1872 (engraving), Dore, Gustave (1832-83) / Bridgeman Images
Brewers at Rest, from 'London, a Pilgrimage', written by William Blanchard Jerrold (1826-94) & engraved by Hildibrand, pub. 1872 (engraving), Dore, Gustave (1832-83) / Bridgeman Images