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DRK322890: Presentation in the Temple, 1996-97 (acrylic on canvas), Kendall, Dinah Roe (b.1923) / Bridgeman Images
ID: DRK322890
Presentation in the Temple, 1996-97 (acrylic on canvas)
Kendall, Dinah Roe (b.1923)
DRK322899: The Good Samaritan, 1994 (acrylic on canvas), Kendall, Dinah Roe (b.1923) / Bridgeman Images
ID: DRK322899
The Good Samaritan, 1994 (acrylic on canvas)
DRK322877: Resurrection - Road to Emmaus, 1996 (acrylic on canvas), Kendall, Dinah Roe (b.1923) / Bridgeman Images
ID: DRK322877
Resurrection - Road to Emmaus, 1996 (acrylic on canvas)
DRK322891: Jesus washes Disciples' feet, 1995-96 (acrylic on canvas), Kendall, Dinah Roe (b.1923) / Bridgeman Images
ID: DRK322891
Jesus washes Disciples' feet, 1995-96 (acrylic on canvas)
DRK320988: Detail of Triptych of the Prodigal Son's Return, 2005 (acrylic on canvas) (see 320990), Kendall, Dinah Roe (b.1923) / Bridgeman Images
ID: DRK320988
Detail of Triptych of the Prodigal Son's Return, 2005 (acrylic on canvas) (see 320990)
DRK325802: Triumphal Entry, 1997-98 (acrylic on canvas), Kendall, Dinah Roe (b.1923) / Bridgeman Images
ID: DRK325802
Triumphal Entry, 1997-98 (acrylic on canvas)
DRK325804: The Shepherds went to see the Baby, 1998 (acrylic on canvas), Kendall, Dinah Roe (b.1923) / Bridgeman Images
ID: DRK325804
The Shepherds went to see the Baby, 1998 (acrylic on canvas)
DRK322898: Sunday morning, very early, 1998 (acrylic on canvas), Kendall, Dinah Roe (b.1923) / Bridgeman Images
ID: DRK322898
Sunday morning, very early, 1998 (acrylic on canvas)
DRK322894: Mary meets Elizabeth, 1996 (acrylic on canvas), Kendall, Dinah Roe (b.1923) / Bridgeman Images
ID: DRK322894
Mary meets Elizabeth, 1996 (acrylic on canvas)
DRK322885: Sigmund Freud, 1994 (pencil on paper), Kendall, Dinah Roe (b.1923) / Bridgeman Images
ID: DRK322885
Sigmund Freud, 1994 (pencil on paper)
DRK320990: Triptych of the Prodigal Son's Return, 2005 (acrylic on canvas), Kendall, Dinah Roe (b.1923) / Bridgeman Images
ID: DRK320990
Triptych of the Prodigal Son's Return, 2005 (acrylic on canvas)
DRK322868: Joseph cares for his Brothers, 2003 (acrylic on canvas), Kendall, Dinah Roe (b.1923) / Bridgeman Images
ID: DRK322868
Joseph cares for his Brothers, 2003 (acrylic on canvas)
DRK322873: Jesus and Samaritan Woman at the Well, 2002 (acrylic on canvas), Kendall, Dinah Roe (b.1923) / Bridgeman Images
ID: DRK322873
Jesus and Samaritan Woman at the Well, 2002 (acrylic on canvas)
DRK322876: Pool of Bethesda, 2000 (acrylic on canvas), Kendall, Dinah Roe (b.1923) / Bridgeman Images
ID: DRK322876
Pool of Bethesda, 2000 (acrylic on canvas)
DRK322884: Michel Foucault, 1994 (pencil on paper), Kendall, Dinah Roe (b.1923) / Bridgeman Images
ID: DRK322884
Michel Foucault, 1994 (pencil on paper)
DRK320989: Detail of Triptych of the Prodigal Son's Return, 2005 (acrylic on canvas) (see 320990), Kendall, Dinah Roe (b.1923) / Bridgeman Images
ID: DRK320989
DRK322892: John cares for Mary, 1996 (acrylic on canvas), Kendall, Dinah Roe (b.1923) / Bridgeman Images
ID: DRK322892
John cares for Mary, 1996 (acrylic on canvas)
DRK322896: Woman taken in adultery, 1998 (acrylic on canvas), Kendall, Dinah Roe (b.1923) / Bridgeman Images
ID: DRK322896
Woman taken in adultery, 1998 (acrylic on canvas)
DRK322872: Adam and Eve hiding from God in the Garden of Eden, 2003 (acrylic on canvas), Kendall, Dinah Roe (b.1923) / Bridgeman Images
ID: DRK322872
Adam and Eve hiding from God in the Garden of Eden, 2003 (acrylic on canvas)
DRK322889: Pearl of Great Price, 1992 (acrylic on canvas), Kendall, Dinah Roe (b.1923) / Bridgeman Images
ID: DRK322889
Pearl of Great Price, 1992 (acrylic on canvas)
DRK322879: Raising of Jairus' Daughter, 2000 (acrylic on canvas), Kendall, Dinah Roe (b.1923) / Bridgeman Images
ID: DRK322879
Raising of Jairus' Daughter, 2000 (acrylic on canvas)
DRK322881: Baptism of Jesus, 2006 (acrylic on canvas), Kendall, Dinah Roe (b.1923) / Bridgeman Images
ID: DRK322881
Baptism of Jesus, 2006 (acrylic on canvas)
DRK322895: Garden of Gethsemane, 1995 (acrylic on canvas), Kendall, Dinah Roe (b.1923) / Bridgeman Images
ID: DRK322895
Garden of Gethsemane, 1995 (acrylic on canvas)
DRK322875: Jesus really angry in the Temple, 2002 (acrylic on canvas), Kendall, Dinah Roe (b.1923) / Bridgeman Images
ID: DRK322875
Jesus really angry in the Temple, 2002 (acrylic on canvas)
DRK320987: Detail of Triptych of the Prodigal Son's Return, 2005 (acrylic on canvas) (see 320990), Kendall, Dinah Roe (b.1923) / Bridgeman Images
ID: DRK320987
DRK322882: Who Touched Me?, 2001 (acrylic on canvas), Kendall, Dinah Roe (b.1923) / Bridgeman Images
ID: DRK322882
Who Touched Me?, 2001 (acrylic on canvas)
DRK322880: "Go to my Brothers and tell them", 2001 (acrylic on canvas), Kendall, Dinah Roe (b.1923) / Bridgeman Images
ID: DRK322880
"Go to my Brothers and tell them", 2001 (acrylic on canvas)
DRK322874: Wedding at Cana, 2001 (acrylic on canvas), Kendall, Dinah Roe (b.1923) / Bridgeman Images
ID: DRK322874
Wedding at Cana, 2001 (acrylic on canvas)
DRK322893: Mary anointing Jesus' feet, 1998 (acrylic on canvas), Kendall, Dinah Roe (b.1923) / Bridgeman Images
ID: DRK322893
Mary anointing Jesus' feet, 1998 (acrylic on canvas)
DRK325800: Wheat and Weeds, 1992 (acrylic on canvas), Kendall, Dinah Roe (b.1923) / Bridgeman Images
ID: DRK325800
Wheat and Weeds, 1992 (acrylic on canvas)
DRK322897: Wise and Foolish Virgins, 1994 (acrylic on canvas), Kendall, Dinah Roe (b.1923) / Bridgeman Images
ID: DRK322897
Wise and Foolish Virgins, 1994 (acrylic on canvas)
DRK325803: Predella, 1999 (acrylic on canvas), Kendall, Dinah Roe (b.1923) / Bridgeman Images
ID: DRK325803
Predella, 1999 (acrylic on canvas)
DRK325805: Crucifixion, 1998 (acrylic on canvas), Kendall, Dinah Roe (b.1923) / Bridgeman Images
ID: DRK325805
Crucifixion, 1998 (acrylic on canvas)
DRK322886: Unmerciful Servant 3, 1993 (acrylic on canvas), Kendall, Dinah Roe (b.1923) / Bridgeman Images
ID: DRK322886
Unmerciful Servant 3, 1993 (acrylic on canvas)
DRK325801: John the Baptist, 1999 (acrylic on canvas), Kendall, Dinah Roe (b.1923) / Bridgeman Images
ID: DRK325801
John the Baptist, 1999 (acrylic on canvas)
DRK322887: Unmerciful Servant 2, 1993 (acrylic on canvas), Kendall, Dinah Roe (b.1923) / Bridgeman Images
ID: DRK322887
Unmerciful Servant 2, 1993 (acrylic on canvas)