Gibson, Charles Dana (1867-1944)

Creator details

Gibson, Charles Dana (1867-1944)

Assets (129 in total)

A Gibson Girl, c.1902 (litho)
A Gibson Girl, c.1902 (litho)
The Ambitious Mother and the Obliging Clergyman, 1902 (litho)
Illustration for The Social Ladder (engraving)
A Gibson Girl, c.1902 (litho)
On Bond Street (litho)
A Drawing Room Tea (litho)
Church Parade, Hyde Park (litho)
The girl who wanted a small waist (litho)
Illustration for The Social Ladder (engraving)
Design for wallpaper, suitable for a bachelor apartment, 1902 (litho)
Another Moth, 1902 (litho)

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