Groneberg, Jan (1943-2014)

Creator details

Groneberg, Jan (1943-2014)
<p class="MsoNormal" style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt"><span lang="EN-GB" style="mso-ansi-language: EN-GB"><font size="3"><font face="Times New Roman">Jan Groneberg was born in 1943 in <country-region st="on"><place st="on">Germany</place></country-region>. He settled in <city st="on"><place st="on">Munich</place></city> and started painting as a self taught artist. Later on he found jobs as a free-lance producer’s assistant, TV stage designer and author of radio programmes. In 1974 he had a&nbsp;large exhibition<span style="mso-spacerun: yes">&nbsp;</span>with multimedia objects in <city st="on"><place st="on">Munich</place></city>. In 1982 he printed the artist’s book “The Magic Advent of Love”. In 1985 he decided to live in Monemvasia, in southern <country-region st="on"><place st="on">Greece</place></country-region>. There he discovered wood as a means of expression. His first five years in <country-region st="on"><place st="on">Greece</place></country-region> are reflected in the book “Hellenic daily life; Stories from Greece.” He designed and built a house and a garden complete with studio. In 1999 he finished a collection of poems entitled “Hocus Pocus Spiritus.” Following this he returned to painting. From then on a number of successful exhibitions have taken place in Monemvasia and <place st="on"><city st="on">Athens</city></place>. </font></font></span></p>

Assets (148 in total)

Two wealthy Families at strife, 2007 (oil on canvas)
Two Twins but only one Orange Crown, 2005 (oil on wood)
Organisms deciding to abandon the Ocean, 2007 (oil on canvas)
A Shower of Eyes, 2006 (oil on wood)
A Moment of Sudden Enlightenment for the Cyclops, 2007 (oil on wood)
What is this power between us?, 2007 (oil on wood)
Archaic God of Bushes and small Trees, 2009 (oil on canvas)
Four words, speechless, 2007 (oil on wood)
The King of all Frogs, 2007 (oil on canvas)
The Sea contemplating the Sea, 2006 (oil on wood)
Eye Witnesses nr 2, 2009 (oil on canvas)
The Bride, 2006 (oil on wood)

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