Mr Georges Metaxa as "Carl Linden", from Heroes and Heroines of "Bitter Sweet", pub.1931 (colour litho), Beerbohm, Max (1872-1956) / Bridgeman Images
Henrik Ibsen, receiving Mr. William Archer in audience, illustration from 'The Poets Corner', pub. by William Heinemann, 1904 (engraving), Beerbohm, Max (1872-1956) / Bridgeman Images
William Wordsworth in the Lake District at cross purposes, illustration from 'The Poets Corner', pub. by William Heinemann, 1904 (engraving), Beerbohm, Max (1872-1956) / Bridgeman Images
Robert Burns, having set his hand to the plough, looks back at Highland Mary, illustration from 'The Poets Corner', pub. by William Heinemann, 1904 (engraving), Beerbohm, Max (1872-1956) / Bridgeman Images
Portrait of William Nicholson, illustration for 'The Winter Owl' published by Cecil Palmer, London, 1923 (pen & ink and w/c on paper), Beerbohm, Max (1872-1956) / Bridgeman Images
"And what were they going to do with the Grail when they found it, Mr. Rossetti?", published in 1922 (w/c on paper), Beerbohm, Max (1872-1956) / Bridgeman Images
Mr John Singer Sargent, A great realist, 24 February 1909, Vanity Fair cartoon, Sargeant (colour litho), Beerbohm, Max (1872-1956) / Bridgeman Images
Mr. Matthew Arnold. To him, Miss Mary Augusta, his niece: "Why Uncle Matthew, oh why, will you not be always wholly serious", from 'The Poets Corner', pub. by William Heinemann, 1904 (engraving), Beerbohm, Max (1872-1956) / Bridgeman Images
Paul Verlaine (usher in private school in Bournemouth, 1877-1878), from 'Poets Corner', pub. by William Heinemann, 1904 (engraving), Beerbohm, Max (1872-1956) / Bridgeman Images
Goethe watching the shadow of Lili on the blind, illustration from 'The Poets Corner', pub. by William Heinemann, 1904 (engraving)
, Beerbohm, Max (1872-1956) / Bridgeman Images
Mr. Tennyson Reading "In Memoriam" to His Sovereign, illustration from 'The Poets Corner', pub. by William Heinemann, 1904 (engraving), Beerbohm, Max (1872-1956) / Bridgeman Images