Camuccini, Vincenzo (1773-1844)

Creator details

Camuccini, Vincenzo (1773-1844)

Assets (8 in total)

The Death of Julius Caesar, 1805-06 (oil on canvas)
The Death of Julius Caesar, detail, 1805-06 (oil on canvas)
The Death of Caesar (oil on canvas)
Portrait of Gioacchino Rossini 1830 (1792-1868)
Self portrait,  1810 (oil on canvas)
Portrait of Cardinal Benedetto Neri
Portrait of Gioacchino Rossini (1792-1868) young - by Vincenzo Camuccini (1771-1844), circa 1830. Oil on canvas. Dim. 46; 5 x 37 cm. Museo Teatrale alla Scala, Milan (Musee du theatre de la Scala)
Portrait of composer Gioacchino Rossini, by Vincenzo Camuccini, 19th Century, oil on canvas

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