Canella, Giuseppe (1788-1847)

Creator details

Canella, Giuseppe (1788-1847)

Assets (36 in total)

View of Pont Neuf, 1832 (oil on canvas)
Boulevard Saint-Martin and the Theatre de l'Ambigu, 1830 (oil on canvas)
The Flower Market, 1832 (oil on canvas)
View of the Seine in Paris, 1820 (canvas)
View of Boulevard Montmartre, Paris, 1830 (oil on canvas)
Place de la Haute-Vieille-Tour, Rouen, 1824 (oil on cardboard)
View of the Theatre de l'Ambigu comique et du boulevard Saint-Martin, 1830 (oil on canvas)
Hotel de Ville and embankment, Paris, 1828 (oil on canvas)
Presumed view of the Paseo del Prado with the Prado Museum, Madrid, 1827 (oil on panel)
La cite et le Pont Neuf seen from the Quai du Louvre In the foreground, a boat wash and the great activity of the banks of the Seine, 1832 (oil on canvas)
La Place de la Concorde in 1829 (oil on canvas)
View of the rue de la Paix in Paris, 1830 (oil on canvas)

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