Colquhoun, Ithell (1906-88)

Creator details

Colquhoun, Ithell (1906-88)

Assets (19 in total)

The Dance of the Nine Opals, 1942 (oil on canvas)
Rivieres Tiedes (Tepid Waters) 1939 (panel)
The Game of the Year, 1953 (oil on canvas)
Self Portrait
Canna (oil on canvas)
The Drowned Cathedral, c.1948 (oil on canvas)
Bird of Paradise Flowers, 1938 (oil on board)
The Dunes, c.1940 (oil on canvas)
Judith with the Head of Holofernes, 1929 (oil on canvas)
L'Ascension, 1974 (mixed media on paper)
Fruit in a bowl 2, 1937 (tempera on board)
L'Helice, 1939 (oil and tempera on canvas)

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