Mixtec (c.1300-1521)

Creator details

Mixtec (c.1300-1521)

Assets (27 in total)

Pectoral of the god Xipe Totec (gold)
Necklace (gold)
Pendant representing a sun disk, Zaachila, Oaxaca (gold)
Mask of the god Xipe Totec, from Tomb 7, Monte Alban, 1300-1450 (gold)
Stylized Figure (gold)
Necklace with bells (gold)
Ring with the wind god Ehecatl (gold)
Tripod vase with an effigy figure, from Miahuatlan, Oaxaca (pottery)
Bell, c.1500 (gold)
Head of the rain god Tlaloc, Late Postclassic period, c.1300-1521 (ceramic, tufa, stucco & paint)
Mask, possibly of Tlaloc, c.1350-1521 (wood, turquoise, shell, lignite and resin)
Mixtec civilization: Mixtec Codex with illustrations of daily activities - Precolombian art, mixed civilization: scenes de vie quotidienne - Detail of a copy of the Codex Vindobonensis or Viennese codex sent by Hernan Cortes to Charles V in 1519 - Mexico City, Museo Nacional de Antropologia

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