Mixtec (c.1300-1521)

Creator details

Mixtec (c.1300-1521)

Assets (27 in total)

Pectoral of the god Xipe Totec (gold)
Necklace (gold)
Pendant representing a sun disk, Zaachila, Oaxaca (gold)
Stylized Figure (gold)
Mask of the god Xipe Totec, from Tomb 7, Monte Alban, 1300-1450 (gold)
Necklace with bells (gold)
Ring with the wind god Ehecatl (gold)
Bell, c.1500 (gold)
Head of the rain god Tlaloc, Late Postclassic period, c.1300-1521 (ceramic, tufa, stucco & paint)
Mask, possibly of Tlaloc, c.1350-1521 (wood, turquoise, shell, lignite and resin)
Tripod vase with an effigy figure, from Miahuatlan, Oaxaca (pottery)
Mixtec civilization: Mixtec Codex with illustrations of daily activities - Precolombian art, mixed civilization: scenes de vie quotidienne - Detail of a copy of the Codex Vindobonensis or Viennese codex sent by Hernan Cortes to Charles V in 1519 - Mexico City, Museo Nacional de Antropologia

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