Huard, Charles (1875-1965)

Creator details

Huard, Charles (1875-1965)

Assets (86 in total)

Illustration from 'Bouvard et Pecuchet' by Gustave Flaubert (1821-80) (coloured engraving)
Giant Skrymir and Thor, illustration from 'The Heroes of Asgard' by A. & E. Keary, published 1930 (engraving)
Tyr Feeding Fenrir, illustration from 'The Heroes of Asgard' by A. & E. Keary, published 1930 (engraving)
The Punishment of Loki, illustration from 'The Heroes of Asgard' by A. & E. Keary, published 1930 (engraving)
Skadi Choosing her Husband, illustration from 'The Heroes of Asgard' by A. & E. Keary, published 1930 (engraving)
Caricature of Billiard Players, 1898 (colour litho)
Paris: Rue de la Montagne-Sainte-Genevieve (litho)
Paris: Jardins de Cluny (litho)
Paris: Paris vu de Montmartre (litho)
Illustration for Le Rire (colour litho)
Illustration for Le Rire (colour litho)
Illustration for Le Rire (colour litho)

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