Grasset de Saint-Sauveur, Jacques (1757-1810)

Creator details

Grasset de Saint-Sauveur, Jacques (1757-1810)

Assets (94 in total)

Duilius Corvus (boarding device) on Roman galley warship, by Jacques Grasset de Saint-Sauveur (1757-1810), 1825 (colour litho)
Native of New Caledonia, engraved by J. Laroque, 1796 (coloured engraving)
Amazon d'Afrique - in “” Encyclopedia of Travels”” by Grasset St Sauveur, ed. 1796
Man of the Barbarian States, “” Encyclopedie of Voyages”” by J. Grasset Saint-Sauveur (Saint Sauveur), 1796.
Women of Issinie pounding the rice - in “” Encyclopedia of Travels”” by Grasset St Sauveur, ed. 1796
Woman of Goree beating the earth - in” Encyclopedie of travels”” by Grasset St Sauveur, ed. Deroy, Paris, 1796
Peasants of Strasbourg, 1796 (engraving)
Warrior of the Amazon River - in “” Encyclopedia of Voyages”” by Grasset St Sauveur, ed. 1796
Sauvagesse of Hudson Bay (Canada) - in “” Encyclopedia of Travels”” by Grasset St Sauveur, ed. 1796
Femme acadienne - in “” Encyclopedia of travels”” by Grasset St Sauveur, ed. 1796
Dutch smoking the pipe Frontispice de l'Afrique - in “” Encyclopedia of Travels”” by Grasset St Sauveur, ed. 1796
Femme of Tyrol - in “” Encyclopedia of Travels”” by Grasset St Sauveur, ed. 1796

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