Bringing up the five-inch siege guns, illustration from 'Battles of the Nineteenth Century, Vol. VI: The Boer War of 1899-1900' by Archibald Forbes, G.A. Henty and Major Arthur Griffiths (colour litho), Paget, Sidney (1860-1908) / Bridgeman Images
Colonel Cleland led his lancers, illustration from 'Battles of the Nineteenth Century' by Archibald Forbes, G.A. Henty and Major Arthur Griffiths (litho), Paget, Sidney (1860-1908) / Bridgeman Images
' "Nothing could be better", said Holmes', illustration from 'The Stockbroker's Clerk' by Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930), published in 'Strand Magazine', March 1893 (engraving) (b/w photo), Paget, Sidney (1860-1908) / Bridgeman Images
The maid showed us the boots: scene from the Sherlock Holmes story The Boscombe Valley Mystery, by Arthur Conan Doyle (litho), Paget, Sidney (1860-1908) / Bridgeman Images
The statue of Professor Thomas Henry Huxley in the Great Hall of the Natural History Museum, South Kensington, London (litho), Paget, Sidney (1860-1908) / Bridgeman Images
The War in the Soudan, Australian (New South Wales) Infantry marching into Camp at Souakim (engraving), Paget, Sidney (1860-1908) / Bridgeman Images
'It Passed with a Rattle and a Roar', illustration for 'The Final Problem' by Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930), published in 'Strand Magazine', December 1893 (engraving) (b/w photo), Paget, Sidney (1860-1908) / Bridgeman Images
On the track of Lobengula, 1893, illustration from 'Cassell's Illustrated History of England' (engraving) (sepia photo), Paget, Sidney (1860-1908) / Bridgeman Images
Running the gauntlet: a Lancer Patrol under cross fire, illustration from 'Battles of the Nineteenth Century, Vol. VI: The Boer War of 1899-1900' by Archibald Forbes, G.A. Henty and Major Arthur Griffiths (litho), Paget, Sidney (1860-1908) / Bridgeman Images