Tardieu, Ambroise (1788-1841)

Creator details

Tardieu, Ambroise (1788-1841)

Assets (267 in total)

Theroigne de Mericourt, illustration from 'Des Maladies Mentales considerees sous le rapport medical, hygienique et medico-legal' by Etienne Esquirol (1772-1840) plate IV, 1838 (engraving) (b/w photo)
Charlemagne (742-814) crowned by Pope Leo III (c750-816) at St Peter's basilica in Rome on 25th December 80 - Sacred (Coronation) of Charlemagne (742 - 814) in 800 by Pope Leo III. Designed and engraved by Ambroise Tardieu in 1825.
Portrait of Charles Etienne Gudin de la Sablonniere (1768 -1812) general francais. In “” Portraits of the French generals following the victories and conquests of the French””. Grave by Ambroise Tardieu in 1818. Stella Collection.
Charles II (823-77) the Bald and his brother Louis the German make treaty at Strasbourg in 842 - Oaths of Strasbourg pronounced by Charles II the Bald (823-877), King of France and Emperor of the West, and Louis the Germanique, February 14, 842 - Engraving of 1825 in “Histoire de France represented by synoptic paintings dediee to the children of France and employee pour leur education”” - Steel engraving by Ambroise Tardieu.
Woman in a straitjacket, illustration for 'Des Maladies Mentales considerees sous le rapport medical, hygienique et medico-legal', by Etienne Esquirol (1772-1840), 1838 (engraving) (b/w photo)
Philip IV brings together at the Louvre the Estates General, composed of clergy, nobility and prominent bourgeois or third-state who was first admitted to it in 1301 - Designed and engraved by Ambroise Tardieu in 1825.
Charles III the Fat (839-88) pays off the Viking invaders in 886 - Charles III 3 le Gros (839-888) Emperor of West (881-887) and Regent of France (884-887) camped under the walls of Paris without daring to fight the Normans, preferring to buy their retirement at silver price - Engraving 1825 in “Histoire de France represented by synoee ptics dediee to the children of France and employee for their education”” - Steel engraving by Ambroise Tardieu
Adam Philippe, Count of Custine Général francais (1740 to 1793) - in “Portraits des généraux français en suite des victoires et conquêtes des français””. Engraved by Ambroise Tardieu in 1818. Stella Collection.
Charlemagne (742-814) crowned by Pope Leo III (c750-816) at St Peter's basilica in Rome on 25th December 800 - Sacre (Coronation) of Charlemagne (742-814) en 800 by Pope Leon III - Engraving of 1825 in “Histoire de France represented by synoptic paintings dediee to the children of France and employee for their education” Steel engraving by Ambroise Tardieu
Louis II (848-79) the Stammerer receives an oath of allegiance from a noble -
Pharamond I (c370-427), King of the Franks. Raised up on a shield by his people who have elected him king - Pharamond, recognized by the Francs-Salians and the Gauls reunited in one people, is raised on a shield and walks around the camp in triumph - Legendary Franc Chef who would have lived in the 5th century - Engraving from 1825 in “Histoire de France represented by synoptic paintings dediee to children of France and employee for their education”” - Steel engraving by Ambroise Tardieu
Seventh Crusade: King Saint Louis (1214-1270) and the Crusades besieging Damiette in June 1249 in Lower Egypt - Seventh Crusade to the Holy Land 1248-50 - Saint Louis IX (1214-70) leads his troops in battle - Engraving of 1825 in “Histoire de France represented by synoptic paintings dedicated to the children of France and employee for their education” - Steel engraving by Ambroise Tardieu

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