Crombie, Charles (fl.1910)

Creator details

Crombie, Charles (fl.1910)

Assets (56 in total)

(32) The striker being caught, no runs shall be scored, from 'Laws of Cricket', published 1910
The Fieldsman (42), from 'Laws of Cricket', published 1910
Rule XVIII: The player...may brushing lightly with the hand..., from 'Rules of Golf', published c.1905 (colour litho)
Rule XIII: If ye player's ball strike an opponent's opponent shall lose ye hole...and perhaps ye caddie, from 'Rules of Golf', published c.1905 (colour litho)
Caught (22), from 'Laws of Cricket', published 1910
(9) The innings shall commence after the ground has been swept and rolled unless the In-side object, from 'Laws of Cricket', published 1910
Warning of Approach. Art. IV.(5) He shall give audible and sufficient warning...when overtaking foot passengers, from a book of rules of the road, published c.1905 (colour litho)
Request to Stop. Art. IV (6) He shall on the request of any person in charge of a horse...cause the car to stop (the word 'restive' has been omitted before the word 'horse'. The motorist must stop whether or not the horse shows signs of nervousness), from a book of rules of the road, published c.1905 (colour litho)
Instructions to Umpires, from 'Laws of Cricket', published 1910
George Osborne comes back to Amelia (colour litho)
Old Sir Pitt proposes to Becky Sharp, and half her secret is disclosed (colour litho)
Captain Dobbin buys a piano, and Mrs Crawley buys a picture (colour litho)

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