Crombie, Charles (fl.1910)

Creator details

Crombie, Charles (fl.1910)

Assets (56 in total)

(32) The striker being caught, no runs shall be scored, from 'Laws of Cricket', published 1910
The Fieldsman (42), from 'Laws of Cricket', published 1910
Caught (22), from 'Laws of Cricket', published 1910
Rule XVIII: The player...may brushing lightly with the hand..., from 'Rules of Golf', published c.1905 (colour litho)
Rule XIII: If ye player's ball strike an opponent's opponent shall lose ye hole...and perhaps ye caddie, from 'Rules of Golf', published c.1905 (colour litho)
(9) The innings shall commence after the ground has been swept and rolled unless the In-side object, from 'Laws of Cricket', published 1910
Instructions to Umpires, from 'Laws of Cricket', published 1910
Rule XIV: If a ball be lost in water in a hazard, a ball may be dropped in the hazard, from 'Rules of Golf', published c.1905 (colour litho)
Rule XV: When a ball has to be dropped the player shall drop it, from 'Rules of Golf', published c.1905 (colour litho)
Rule XII: When a balls lies in or touches a hazard, nothing shall be done to improve its lie, from 'Rules of Golf', published c.1905 (colour litho)
Rule XXXI: If a ball lie in fog...only so much thereof shall be touched as will enable ye player to find his ball, from 'Rules of Golf', published c.1905 (colour litho)
Warning of Approach. Art. IV.(5) He shall give audible and sufficient warning...when overtaking foot passengers, from a book of rules of the road, published c.1905 (colour litho)

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