Soupault, Ralph (1904-62)

Creator details

Soupault, Ralph (1904-62)

Assets (14 in total)

Zazous in a bar: “” -Working for Germany? rather die!
Our Bastille, debts, who will demolish her. Cover of the satirical newspaper “” the charivari”” (1929). Illustration by Ralph Soupault (1904-1962).
The future Council of Ministers of France liberated: “Is it for sharing? No, pour le dépeçage”” - drawing by Ralph Soupault (1904-1962), in “” I Am Everywhere”” of 12/11/1943. Rights reserved.
Stalin “Where can we be better than within its 200 families”” (on the Allied-USSR alliance) - drawing by Ralph Soupault (1904-1962), in “” I Am Everywhere” of 27/08/1943. Rights reserved.
Death of Frente Popular (War of Spain) - by Ralph Soupault (1904-1962), in “” Le Charivari”” of 10/10/1936. Rights reserved.
Stalin drawing by Ralph Soupault newspaper Gringoire March 1938
Caricature of Maurice Thorez and the Spanish Civil War, front cover illustration of 'Le Charivari', 28th November 1936 (colour litho)
Stalin and his masks Edouard Herriot Maurice Thorez Leon Blum drawing by Ralph Soupault newspaper Gringoire March 1938
Cover of 'Le Charivari' with a caricature of Stalin relating to the Spanish Civil War, 21st March 1936 (colour litho)
Oh, I'd give you a lot to get you landed! - drawing by Ralph Soupault (1904-1962), in “” Je Sui Partout”” of 18/06/1943. Rights reserved.
On evacue (cartoon on the depart of the French of the Ruhr) - Illustration by Ralph Soupault (1904-1962) in “” Charivari”” of 26/10/1929
The Bright Promises... the bread. Cartoon by Ralph Soupault (1904-1962) on the price of bread rising - in “” Charivari”” 1936. Rights reserved.

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