Lint, Hendrik van (1684-1763)

Creator details

Lint, Hendrik van (1684-1763)

Assets (13 in total)

The Colosseum at Rome (oil on canvas)
A View of the Colosseum with a Traveller, 1731 (oil on canvas)
A View of the Baths of Diocletian
An Extensive Italianate Landscape with a Sacrifice, 1728 (oil on canvas)
A Wooded Italianate Landscape with Nymphs Dancing, 1728 (oil on canvas)
Arlia Evitatino at Colise, Rome
The Campo Vaccino, Rome (oil on canvas)
Classical scene with elephants, 18th century
Bacchic Revellers Dancing by a Herm
A View of Rome, 1750s (oil on canvas)
The Contest between Apollo and Marsyas
Hadrian's Arch, Rome (oil on canvas)

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