Lint, Hendrik van (1684-1763)

Creator details

Lint, Hendrik van (1684-1763)

Assets (13 in total)

The Colosseum at Rome (oil on canvas)
A View of the Baths of Diocletian
An Extensive Italianate Landscape with a Sacrifice, 1728 (oil on canvas)
A View of the Colosseum with a Traveller, 1731 (oil on canvas)
A Wooded Italianate Landscape with Nymphs Dancing, 1728 (oil on canvas)
Arlia Evitatino at Colise, Rome
The Campo Vaccino, Rome (oil on canvas)
Bacchic Revellers Dancing by a Herm
Classical scene with elephants, 18th century
A View of Rome, 1750s (oil on canvas)
The Contest between Apollo and Marsyas
The Villa Madama, Rome, 1748 (oil on canvas)

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