Previtali, Andrea (c.1470-1528)

Creator details

Previtali, Andrea (c.1470-1528)

Assets (17 in total)

The Crossing of the Red Sea
The Virgin and Child with a shoot of Olive, c.1515 (oil on wood)
Christ in Limbo
The Crucifixion, 1515-20 (oil on canvas)
The Lute Player (oil on canvas)
Scenes from Tebaldeo's Eclogues, c.1505 (oil on wood)
The Virgin and the Child, with a donor, 1504 (oil on canvas)
Man in black cap
The Virgin and Child (panel)
The Nativity and the Annunciation to the Shepherds
Portrait of a young Gentleman, bust-length, wearing a black cap and black coat, 1506 (oil on panel)

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