Daumier, Honore (1808-79) Assets (1569 in total)

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Aspect that the streets of Paris are already beginning to have every night, caricature about the Comete of 1857 by Honore Daumier (1808-1879). “Charivari”, 1856.
Aspect that the streets of Paris are already beginning to have every night, caricature about the Comete of 1857 by Honore Daumier (1808-1879). “Charivari”, 1856.

LSE4403354: Aspect that the streets of Paris are already beginning to have every night, caricature about the Comete of 1857 by Honore Daumier (1808-1879). “Charivari”, 1856., Daumier, Honore (1808-79) / Bridgeman Images

Do you see the comet? up... at the end of my finger... don't lose sight of my finger!... , cartoon by Honore Daumier (1808-1879). “Charivari”, 1857.
Do you see the comet? up... at the end of my finger... don't lose sight of my finger!... , cartoon by Honore Daumier (1808-1879). “Charivari”, 1857.

LSE4403363: Do you see the comet? up... at the end of my finger... don't lose sight of my finger!... , cartoon by Honore Daumier (1808-1879). “Charivari”, 1857., Daumier, Honore (1808-79) / Bridgeman Images

Mossieu, I leave your service... I didn't want to be in the end of the world!... Cartoon by Honore Daumier (1808-1879). “Charivari”, 1857.
Mossieu, I leave your service... I didn't want to be in the end of the world!... Cartoon by Honore Daumier (1808-1879). “Charivari”, 1857.

LSE4403365: Mossieu, I leave your service... I didn't want to be in the end of the world!... Cartoon by Honore Daumier (1808-1879). “Charivari”, 1857., Daumier, Honore (1808-79) / Bridgeman Images

- Ah! My poor Madame Chaffarou, it's decidently over of us... here's the comet coming and the sun leaving, caricature by Honore Daumier (1808-1879). “Charivari”, 1856.
- Ah! My poor Madame Chaffarou, it's decidently over of us... here's the comet coming and the sun leaving, caricature by Honore Daumier (1808-1879). “Charivari”, 1856.

LSE4403378: - Ah! My poor Madame Chaffarou, it's decidently over of us... here's the comet coming and the sun leaving, caricature by Honore Daumier (1808-1879). “Charivari”, 1856., Daumier, Honore (1808-79) / Bridgeman Images

The justice of the peace has rendered his decision, the parties are supposed to be reconciled..., cartoon by Honore Daumier (1808-1879). “Charivari”.
The justice of the peace has rendered his decision, the parties are supposed to be reconciled..., cartoon by Honore Daumier (1808-1879). “Charivari”.

LSE4403387: The justice of the peace has rendered his decision, the parties are supposed to be reconciled..., cartoon by Honore Daumier (1808-1879). “Charivari”., Daumier, Honore (1808-79) / Bridgeman Images

What a pity that this lovely little woman did not charge me to defend her cause... as I would argue that her husband is a scoundrel!... , from the “Gens de Justice”, series of cartoons on Justice by Honore Daumier (1808-1879). “Charivari”, 1846.
What a pity that this lovely little woman did not charge me to defend her cause... as I would argue that her husband is a scoundrel!... , from the “Gens de Justice”, series of cartoons on Justice by Honore Daumier (1808-1879). “Charivari”, 1846.

LSE4403391: What a pity that this lovely little woman did not charge me to defend her cause... as I would argue that her husband is a scoundrel!... , from the “Gens de Justice”, series of cartoons on Justice by Honore Daumier (1808-1879). “Charivari”, 1846., Daumier, Honore (1808-79) / Bridgeman Images

Lost, sir... lost on every point... and you tell me again this morning that my cause was excellent... “Parbleu... I'm still ready to support him if you want to appeal... but I warn you that in the Royal Court I don't support him at
Lost, sir... lost on every point... and you tell me again this morning that my cause was excellent... “Parbleu... I'm still ready to support him if you want to appeal... but I warn you that in the Royal Court I don't support him at

LSE4403415: Lost, sir... lost on every point... and you tell me again this morning that my cause was excellent... “Parbleu... I'm still ready to support him if you want to appeal... but I warn you that in the Royal Court I don't support him at, Daumier, Honore (1808-79) / Bridgeman Images

How solitary confinement does not always produce excellent results, a series of cartoons about Professor and Moutards of Honore Daumier (1808-1879). “Charivari”, 1846.
How solitary confinement does not always produce excellent results, a series of cartoons about Professor and Moutards of Honore Daumier (1808-1879). “Charivari”, 1846.

LSE4403417: How solitary confinement does not always produce excellent results, a series of cartoons about Professor and Moutards of Honore Daumier (1808-1879). “Charivari”, 1846., Daumier, Honore (1808-79) / Bridgeman Images

And to say that these are three of my defendants whom I could not have convicted!... be lost reputation!... , from the “Gens de Justice”, series of cartoons on Justice by Honore Daumier (1808-1879). “Charivari”, 1845.
And to say that these are three of my defendants whom I could not have convicted!... be lost reputation!... , from the “Gens de Justice”, series of cartoons on Justice by Honore Daumier (1808-1879). “Charivari”, 1845.

LSE4403420: And to say that these are three of my defendants whom I could not have convicted!... be lost reputation!... , from the “Gens de Justice”, series of cartoons on Justice by Honore Daumier (1808-1879). “Charivari”, 1845., Daumier, Honore (1808-79) / Bridgeman Images

Grand staircase of the Palace of Justice, View of faces, taken from the “Gens de Justice”, series of cartoons on Justice by Honore Daumier (1808-1879). “Charivari”, 1848.
Grand staircase of the Palace of Justice, View of faces, taken from the “Gens de Justice”, series of cartoons on Justice by Honore Daumier (1808-1879). “Charivari”, 1848.

LSE4403422: Grand staircase of the Palace of Justice, View of faces, taken from the “Gens de Justice”, series of cartoons on Justice by Honore Daumier (1808-1879). “Charivari”, 1848., Daumier, Honore (1808-79) / Bridgeman Images

Mr. Vulture's doorman. I don't need to bother you to see the accommodation that is for rent... we don't want dogs or children in the house!... , taken from “” Tenants et Owners”, cartoon series by Honore Daumier (1808-1879). “Charivari”, 1854.
Mr. Vulture's doorman. I don't need to bother you to see the accommodation that is for rent... we don't want dogs or children in the house!... , taken from “” Tenants et Owners”, cartoon series by Honore Daumier (1808-1879). “Charivari”, 1854.

LSE4403453: Mr. Vulture's doorman. I don't need to bother you to see the accommodation that is for rent... we don't want dogs or children in the house!... , taken from “” Tenants et Owners”, cartoon series by Honore Daumier (1808-1879). “Charivari”, 1854., Daumier, Honore (1808-79) / Bridgeman Images

View taken in a demolition neighborhood, taken from “” Tenants et Proprietaires”, cartoon series by Honore Daumier (1808-1879). “Charivari”, 1854.
View taken in a demolition neighborhood, taken from “” Tenants et Proprietaires”, cartoon series by Honore Daumier (1808-1879). “Charivari”, 1854.

LSE4403457: View taken in a demolition neighborhood, taken from “” Tenants et Proprietaires”, cartoon series by Honore Daumier (1808-1879). “Charivari”, 1854., Daumier, Honore (1808-79) / Bridgeman Images

A tenant who had an oblivion on January 1. Hey! I can't throw my climbers! , taken from “” Tenants et Owners”, cartoon series by Honore Daumier (1808-1879). “Charivari”, 1847.
A tenant who had an oblivion on January 1. Hey! I can't throw my climbers! , taken from “” Tenants et Owners”, cartoon series by Honore Daumier (1808-1879). “Charivari”, 1847.

LSE4403458: A tenant who had an oblivion on January 1. Hey! I can't throw my climbers! , taken from “” Tenants et Owners”, cartoon series by Honore Daumier (1808-1879). “Charivari”, 1847., Daumier, Honore (1808-79) / Bridgeman Images

The last week before the opening of the Salon de Peinture. Choughtness -From courage to work, friends are always there!... , taken from “” Paintings and Salons”, cartoon series by Honore Daumier (1808-1879). “Charivari”, 1857.
The last week before the opening of the Salon de Peinture. Choughtness -From courage to work, friends are always there!... , taken from “” Paintings and Salons”, cartoon series by Honore Daumier (1808-1879). “Charivari”, 1857.

LSE4403466: The last week before the opening of the Salon de Peinture. Choughtness -From courage to work, friends are always there!... , taken from “” Paintings and Salons”, cartoon series by Honore Daumier (1808-1879). “Charivari”, 1857., Daumier, Honore (1808-79) / Bridgeman Images

The audience of the show. Artists examining the painting of a rival, taken from “” Paintings and Salons”, cartoon series by Honore Daumier (1808-1879). “Charivari”, 1852.
The audience of the show. Artists examining the painting of a rival, taken from “” Paintings and Salons”, cartoon series by Honore Daumier (1808-1879). “Charivari”, 1852.

LSE4403473: The audience of the show. Artists examining the painting of a rival, taken from “” Paintings and Salons”, cartoon series by Honore Daumier (1808-1879). “Charivari”, 1852., Daumier, Honore (1808-79) / Bridgeman Images

“To say that I will soon be exposed and that all of Paris will see me... that's flattering, my wife!... “My friend, I am angry with one thing... is that you are a representative without a tie, it is negligent!... if still time, requests (d)
“To say that I will soon be exposed and that all of Paris will see me... that's flattering, my wife!... “My friend, I am angry with one thing... is that you are a representative without a tie, it is negligent!... if still time, requests (d)

LSE4403479: “To say that I will soon be exposed and that all of Paris will see me... that's flattering, my wife!... “My friend, I am angry with one thing... is that you are a representative without a tie, it is negligent!... if still time, requests (d), Daumier, Honore (1808-79) / Bridgeman Images

Parisians in 1852: the bench of amateurs, view taken at the opera. Illustration d'Honore Daumier (1808-1879), published in the news, “” Charivari””, dated January 15, 1852.
Parisians in 1852: the bench of amateurs, view taken at the opera. Illustration d'Honore Daumier (1808-1879), published in the news, “” Charivari””, dated January 15, 1852.

LSE4403537: Parisians in 1852: the bench of amateurs, view taken at the opera. Illustration d'Honore Daumier (1808-1879), published in the news, “” Charivari””, dated January 15, 1852., Daumier, Honore (1808-79) / Bridgeman Images

World exhibition: first impressions: stupefaction, compression and suffocation. Illustration by Honore Daumier (1808-1879), published in the news, “” Charivari””, dated 24 May 1855.
World exhibition: first impressions: stupefaction, compression and suffocation. Illustration by Honore Daumier (1808-1879), published in the news, “” Charivari””, dated 24 May 1855.

LSE4403546: World exhibition: first impressions: stupefaction, compression and suffocation. Illustration by Honore Daumier (1808-1879), published in the news, “” Charivari””, dated 24 May 1855., Daumier, Honore (1808-79) / Bridgeman Images

Arrived in Pekin of American ambassadors. In serie En Chine, illustration by Honore Daumier (1808-1879), published in “” Charivari””, dated 13 October 1859.
Arrived in Pekin of American ambassadors. In serie En Chine, illustration by Honore Daumier (1808-1879), published in “” Charivari””, dated 13 October 1859.

LSE4403577: Arrived in Pekin of American ambassadors. In serie En Chine, illustration by Honore Daumier (1808-1879), published in “” Charivari””, dated 13 October 1859., Daumier, Honore (1808-79) / Bridgeman Images

The American envoy getting an audience from the Emperor of China. In serie En Chine, illustration by Honore Daumier (1808-1879), published in “” Charivari””, dated October 21, 1859.
The American envoy getting an audience from the Emperor of China. In serie En Chine, illustration by Honore Daumier (1808-1879), published in “” Charivari””, dated October 21, 1859.

LSE4403583: The American envoy getting an audience from the Emperor of China. In serie En Chine, illustration by Honore Daumier (1808-1879), published in “” Charivari””, dated October 21, 1859., Daumier, Honore (1808-79) / Bridgeman Images

Artwork by Honore Daumier (1808-1879). Charivari dates from 1864: Serie Sketches Taken at the Theatre A new theatre model. “Nothing has been neglected for the convenience of the spectators”” MUSEE DES BEAUX ARTS - PALAIS LONGCHAMP, MARSEILLE
Artwork by Honore Daumier (1808-1879). Charivari dates from 1864: Serie Sketches Taken at the Theatre A new theatre model. “Nothing has been neglected for the convenience of the spectators”” MUSEE DES BEAUX ARTS - PALAIS LONGCHAMP, MARSEILLE

JEB4850645: Artwork by Honore Daumier (1808-1879). Charivari dates from 1864: Serie Sketches Taken at the Theatre A new theatre model. “Nothing has been neglected for the convenience of the spectators”” MUSEE DES BEAUX ARTS - PALAIS LONGCHAMP, MARSEILLE, Daumier, Honore (1808-79) / Bridgeman Images

Artwork by Honore Daumier (1808-1879). Charivari dates from 1840 Serie MORIES CONJUAL “” It's my wife!!! “” MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS - PALACE LONGCHAMP, MARSEILLE
Artwork by Honore Daumier (1808-1879). Charivari dates from 1840 Serie MORIES CONJUAL “” It's my wife!!! “” MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS - PALACE LONGCHAMP, MARSEILLE

JEB4850683: Artwork by Honore Daumier (1808-1879). Charivari dates from 1840 Serie MORIES CONJUAL “” It's my wife!!! “” MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS - PALACE LONGCHAMP, MARSEILLE, Daumier, Honore (1808-79) / Bridgeman Images

Artwork by Honore Daumier (1808-1879). Charivari dates from 1857: Serie CROQUIS PARISIENS “” Family father, inspiring early to his children admiration and respect for beautiful things”” MUSEE DES BEAUX ARTS - PALAIS LONGCHAMP, MARSEILLE
Artwork by Honore Daumier (1808-1879). Charivari dates from 1857: Serie CROQUIS PARISIENS “” Family father, inspiring early to his children admiration and respect for beautiful things”” MUSEE DES BEAUX ARTS - PALAIS LONGCHAMP, MARSEILLE

JEB4850342: Artwork by Honore Daumier (1808-1879). Charivari dates from 1857: Serie CROQUIS PARISIENS “” Family father, inspiring early to his children admiration and respect for beautiful things”” MUSEE DES BEAUX ARTS - PALAIS LONGCHAMP, MARSEILLE, Daumier, Honore (1808-79) / Bridgeman Images

Marital Customs from Charivari, 1839 (engraving)
Marital Customs from Charivari, 1839 (engraving)

JEB4849599: Marital Customs from Charivari, 1839 (engraving), Daumier, Honore (1808-79) / Bridgeman Images

Artwork by Honore Daumier (1808-1879). Charivari dates from 1857: Serie Actualites “” Bourgeois, you owe me five more pennels for your luggage... and again I am polite, for I will be able to count your wife as a second package””” MUSEE DES BEAUX ARTS - PALAIS LONGCHAMP, MARSEILLE.
Artwork by Honore Daumier (1808-1879). Charivari dates from 1857: Serie Actualites “” Bourgeois, you owe me five more pennels for your luggage... and again I am polite, for I will be able to count your wife as a second package””” MUSEE DES BEAUX ARTS - PALAIS LONGCHAMP, MARSEILLE.

JEB4850149: Artwork by Honore Daumier (1808-1879). Charivari dates from 1857: Serie Actualites “” Bourgeois, you owe me five more pennels for your luggage... and again I am polite, for I will be able to count your wife as a second package””” MUSEE DES BEAUX ARTS - PALAIS LONGCHAMP, MARSEILLE., Daumier, Honore (1808-79) / Bridgeman Images

Artwork by Honore Daumier (1808-1879). Sketch of expression N°18 “” Besides we would not be happy together”” BIBLIOTHEQUE DE L'ALCAZAR, MARSEILLE
Artwork by Honore Daumier (1808-1879). Sketch of expression N°18 “” Besides we would not be happy together”” BIBLIOTHEQUE DE L'ALCAZAR, MARSEILLE

JEB4849491: Artwork by Honore Daumier (1808-1879). Sketch of expression N°18 “” Besides we would not be happy together”” BIBLIOTHEQUE DE L'ALCAZAR, MARSEILLE, Daumier, Honore (1808-79) / Bridgeman Images

Artwork by Honore Daumier (1808-1879). Charivari dates from 1865: Serie Sketches Taken at the Salon “” -Let's not be bourgeois like this... admire at least this Courbet! “” MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS - PALACE LONGCHAMP, MARSEILLE
Artwork by Honore Daumier (1808-1879). Charivari dates from 1865: Serie Sketches Taken at the Salon “” -Let's not be bourgeois like this... admire at least this Courbet! “” MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS - PALACE LONGCHAMP, MARSEILLE

JEB4851383: Artwork by Honore Daumier (1808-1879). Charivari dates from 1865: Serie Sketches Taken at the Salon “” -Let's not be bourgeois like this... admire at least this Courbet! “” MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS - PALACE LONGCHAMP, MARSEILLE, Daumier, Honore (1808-79) / Bridgeman Images

Artwork by Honore Daumier (1808-1879). Charivari dates from 1864: Serie LES CHAINS DE RAILWAY “” -The figure of this gentleman does not come back to me. - the head of this traveler inspires me no confidence””” MUSEE DES BEAUX ARTS - PALAIS LONGCHAMP, MARSEILLE
Artwork by Honore Daumier (1808-1879). Charivari dates from 1864: Serie LES CHAINS DE RAILWAY “” -The figure of this gentleman does not come back to me. - the head of this traveler inspires me no confidence””” MUSEE DES BEAUX ARTS - PALAIS LONGCHAMP, MARSEILLE

JEB4851507: Artwork by Honore Daumier (1808-1879). Charivari dates from 1864: Serie LES CHAINS DE RAILWAY “” -The figure of this gentleman does not come back to me. - the head of this traveler inspires me no confidence””” MUSEE DES BEAUX ARTS - PALAIS LONGCHAMP, MARSEILLE, Daumier, Honore (1808-79) / Bridgeman Images

Artwork by Honore Daumier (1808-1879). Charivari dates from 1843: Serie SCENES PARLIAMENTARY. The election visit. MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS - PALACE LONGCHAMP, MARSEILLE
Artwork by Honore Daumier (1808-1879). Charivari dates from 1843: Serie SCENES PARLIAMENTARY. The election visit. MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS - PALACE LONGCHAMP, MARSEILLE

JEB4850901: Artwork by Honore Daumier (1808-1879). Charivari dates from 1843: Serie SCENES PARLIAMENTARY. The election visit. MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS - PALACE LONGCHAMP, MARSEILLE, Daumier, Honore (1808-79) / Bridgeman Images

Artwork by Honore Daumier (1808-1879).
Artwork by Honore Daumier (1808-1879).

JEB4849930: Artwork by Honore Daumier (1808-1879)., Daumier, Honore (1808-79) / Bridgeman Images

Artwork by Honore Daumier (1808-1879).
Artwork by Honore Daumier (1808-1879).

JEB4850023: Artwork by Honore Daumier (1808-1879)., Daumier, Honore (1808-79) / Bridgeman Images

Artwork by Honore Daumier (1808-1879). Charivari dates from 1865: Serie LES ARTISTS IN THE CAMPAGNE “” - Let's see, is it over?... It's still tiring to rest so long as it...” MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS - PALACE LONGCHAMP, MARSEILLE
Artwork by Honore Daumier (1808-1879). Charivari dates from 1865: Serie LES ARTISTS IN THE CAMPAGNE “” - Let's see, is it over?... It's still tiring to rest so long as it...” MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS - PALACE LONGCHAMP, MARSEILLE

JEB4851108: Artwork by Honore Daumier (1808-1879). Charivari dates from 1865: Serie LES ARTISTS IN THE CAMPAGNE “” - Let's see, is it over?... It's still tiring to rest so long as it...” MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS - PALACE LONGCHAMP, MARSEILLE, Daumier, Honore (1808-79) / Bridgeman Images

Artwork by Honore Daumier (1808-1879). Charivari dates from 1864: Serie LES LANDSAGISTS “” - We were told to come to this country and that we would find beautiful trees... they are good to make fagots!... “If we could use them to heat us!...” MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS - PALACE LONGCHAMP, MARSEILLE
Artwork by Honore Daumier (1808-1879). Charivari dates from 1864: Serie LES LANDSAGISTS “” - We were told to come to this country and that we would find beautiful trees... they are good to make fagots!... “If we could use them to heat us!...” MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS - PALACE LONGCHAMP, MARSEILLE

JEB4851193: Artwork by Honore Daumier (1808-1879). Charivari dates from 1864: Serie LES LANDSAGISTS “” - We were told to come to this country and that we would find beautiful trees... they are good to make fagots!... “If we could use them to heat us!...” MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS - PALACE LONGCHAMP, MARSEILLE, Daumier, Honore (1808-79) / Bridgeman Images

Artwork by Honore Daumier (1808-1879). Charivari dates from 1842: Serie SALON DE 1842 “” - Charm to see himself exhibited the original here present leads his wife to the salon and the place before his image, to enjoy the judgment of the crowd - Here say some it is the Chinese Commissioner LIN! - No say the others, you don't see it's natural history! - It's a gentleman who owns the booklet, it's Mr. D's portarit... insurance broker. Madam his wife is extremely flattered.” MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS - PALACE LONGCHAMP, MARSEILLE
Artwork by Honore Daumier (1808-1879). Charivari dates from 1842: Serie SALON DE 1842 “” - Charm to see himself exhibited the original here present leads his wife to the salon and the place before his image, to enjoy the judgment of the crowd - Here say some it is the Chinese Commissioner LIN! - No say the others, you don't see it's natural history! - It's a gentleman who owns the booklet, it's Mr. D's portarit... insurance broker. Madam his wife is extremely flattered.” MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS - PALACE LONGCHAMP, MARSEILLE

JEB4851211: Artwork by Honore Daumier (1808-1879). Charivari dates from 1842: Serie SALON DE 1842 “” - Charm to see himself exhibited the original here present leads his wife to the salon and the place before his image, to enjoy the judgment of the crowd - Here say some it is the Chinese Commissioner LIN! - No say the others, you don't see it's natural history! - It's a gentleman who owns the booklet, it's Mr. D's portarit... insurance broker. Madam his wife is extremely flattered.” MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS - PALACE LONGCHAMP, MARSEILLE, Daumier, Honore (1808-79) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Honore Daumier (1808-1879), French engraver, painter and sculptor. Engraving of son Boulard, 1880. Dim: 21x18cm. Arbaud Museum.
Portrait of Honore Daumier (1808-1879), French engraver, painter and sculptor. Engraving of son Boulard, 1880. Dim: 21x18cm. Arbaud Museum.

JEB4854904: Portrait of Honore Daumier (1808-1879), French engraver, painter and sculptor. Engraving of son Boulard, 1880. Dim: 21x18cm. Arbaud Museum., Daumier, Honore (1808-79) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Honore Daumier (1808-1879), French engraver, painter and sculptor. Massard engraving. Dim: 15x11,5cm. Arbaud Museum.
Portrait of Honore Daumier (1808-1879), French engraver, painter and sculptor. Massard engraving. Dim: 15x11,5cm. Arbaud Museum.

JEB4854956: Portrait of Honore Daumier (1808-1879), French engraver, painter and sculptor. Massard engraving. Dim: 15x11,5cm. Arbaud Museum., Daumier, Honore (1808-79) / Bridgeman Images

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