
Creator details

South American

Assets (142 in total)

Llama, alpaca and woman, from Lake Titicaca, Bolivia, c.1475-1532 (silver)
Idols, 13th-16th century (gold & silver)
Inca agricultural deity wearing a moon headdress and a costume decorated with corn and squashes, 16th century (pottery)
Inca 'Poncho', Bolivia, c.1500 (wool)
Llama effigy, c.1400-1532 (silver or silver alloy)
City of the Incas, built c.1450 (photo)
View of the citadel at Machu Picchu (photo)
Mummy Bundle (mixed media)
Kero Cup, late 17th-18th century (wood with pigment inlay)
Silver Llama Figurine, from Peru, after 1438
Doll, Cerro Plomo, Chile (silver)
Jaguar helmet mask (gold)

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