PIX4630731: Cratere Manicouagan - Quebec - March 2001 - The Manicouagan Impact Crater reservoir in Quebec, Canada - Cratere d'impact Manicouagan, Quebec, seen from the International Space Station in March 2001. This 100-kilometre crater formed 212 million years ago, following the fall of an asteroid on Earth. The reservoir, a large annular lake, marks the site of an impact crater 60 miles (100 kilometers) wide. Formed almost 212 million years ago when a large meteorite hit Earth, the crater has been worn down by many advances and retreats of glaciers and other processes of erosion. Seen here from the International Space Station (ISS) in March 200 / Bridgeman Images
PIX4629876: Comparison of Earth Sizes, Venus, Mercure and Mars - Planetary-size comparison: Earth, Venus, Mercury and Mars - Earth diameter: 12 756,28 km Venus diameter: 12 100 km Mercury diameter: 4870 km March diameter: 6790 km Size comparison in diametric values: Earth: 12,756.28 km Venus: 12,100 km Mercury: 4,870 km March: 6,790 k / Bridgeman Images
PIX4629924: Size comparison: Earth, Moon and Galilean satellites - Jupiter's four largest satellites and Earth and the Moon compared - Jupiter's four largest satellites, called Galilean satellites, compared to Earth and Moon. At the top, from left to right, in order of their distance to the planet Jupiter, we find Io, Europe, Ganymede and Callisto. Ganymede is the largest satellite in the solar system. Jupiter's four largest satellites, also known as the “” Galilean”” satellites since they were first observed by the Italian astronomer Galileo over 400 years ago, are worlds in their own right. Top row, left to right, in order from their distances from Jupiter, are: Io, Europa, Ganymede, Callisto Io is the most volcanic world in the Solar System, resurfacing itself continually with extremely hot and massive eruptions that spew material over 200 miles into space. Europa is about the same size as Earth's Moon, however unlike the Moon which is made up mostly of dry silicate materials, Europa is believed to be composed primarily of water ice, and may even contain a vast ocean of liquid salt water beneath its crust. For this reason, Europa is now emerging as one of the most viable candidates for hosting extraterrestrial life. Ganymede and Callisto are each larger than the planet Mercury, while Ganymede is the largest of all satellites in the Solar System. Io, Europa, and Ganymede are locked in a gravitational resonance where for every orbit Ganymede completes, Europa completes two orbits and Io completes four / Bridgeman Images
PIX4630398: The 8 planets of the solar system and the three dwarf planets. - Planets are represented in order of proximity to the sun. Since August 2006, Pluto is now called 134340 Pluto and is no longer considered a planet but designed as a dwarf planet. The other two dwarf planets are Eris (near Pluto, bottom right) and Ceres (bottom left) / Bridgeman Images
PIX4643111: Fusee Soyuz - Fregat et satellite Giove - B - Vue d'artiste - Giove - B satellite in Soyuz - Fregat rocket - Artist view - Vue d'artiste du satellite Giove - B (Galileo In - Orbit Validation Element - B) places in the cap of a Soyuz - Fregat rocket. Giove - B (Galileo In - Orbit Validation Element - B) into a Soyuz - Fregat rocket. Artist view / Bridgeman Images
PIX4642742: A satellite is directed to a cemetery orbit - Reorbiting a spacecraft into a graveyard orbit - Artist's view of a satellite in geostationary orbit at the end of the mission directs to a cemetery orbit. In order to prevent possible collisions, the satellite must be placed 300 km above its initial orbit. In order to eliminate collision risk, GEO satellites should be moved out of the geostationary ring at the end of their mission. It is recommended that their orbit should be raised by about 300 km, which is considered a safe distance to avoid future interference with active GEO spacecraft / Bridgeman Images
PIX4642769: Space Debris: Meteosat type satellite - Space debris: Meteosat satellite - Artist's view of a Meteosat satellite when it is put into orbit. As with many satellites, orbit operations cause new space debris (ejection of covers, bolts...); in view of the dangerous increase in space debris, it is imperative to design cleaner satellites today (here a cover remains attached to the satellite). A measure against space debris is minimizing the number of objects released during spacecraft operations. Typical “” mission - related objects”” (MRO) include adapters used between two satellites in a dual launch, telescope covers, bolts, cast off yo - yo spinners, etc. Spacecraft designers and operators must design missions so that objects stay attached to the spacecraft and do not become additional space debris / Bridgeman Images
PIX4642853: Intelsat satellite 6 - Intelsat VI satellite - Recoveration of the Intelsat VI satellite by shuttle Endeavour in May 1992. From left to right are astronauts Richard J. Hieb, Thomas D. Akers, and Pierre J. Thuot. Three STS - 49 crewmembers hold onto the 4.5 - ton Intelsat VI satellite in May 1992 after a six - handed “” capture””” was made minutes earlier. Left to right are astronauts Richard J. Hieb, Thomas D. Akers and Pierre J. Thuot. Thuot stands on the end of the Canadarm, which was instrumental as a mobile working platform in the capture / Bridgeman Images
PIX4643335: Skylab Station - 06/1973 - Skylab Station seen from Skylab Module - 2 before returning to Earth. An overhead view of the Skylab 1 space station cluster in Earth orbit photographed from the Skylab 2 Command/Service Module during the final “” fly around”” inspection by the CSM. The space station is sharply contrasted against a black sky background. Note the deployed parasol solar shield which shades the Orbital Workshop where the micrometeoroid shield is missing. The one remaining OWS solar array system wing has been fully deployed successfully. The OWS solar panel on the opposite side is missing completely. 22 June 197 / Bridgeman Images
PIX4643341: Skylab station 07/1973 - Skylab station seen from Skylab module - 3 just before mooring. 28/07/1973. The Skylab space station photographed from the Skylab 3 Command/Service Module during station keeping maneuvers prior to docking. Aboard the command module were astronauts Alan Bean, Owen Garriott and Jack Lousma, who remained with the Skylab space station in Earth's orbit for 59 days. Note the one solar array system wing on the Orbital Workshop (OWS) which was successfully deployed during extravehicular activity (EVA) on the first manned Skylab flight. The parasol solar shield which was deployed by the Skylab 2 crew can be seen through the support struts of the Apollo Telescope Mount. Jul 28 1973 / Bridgeman Images
PIX4643443: Skylab station 02/1974 - Skylab station above earth. 02/1974 - Skylab station seen from Skylab 4 module before returning to Earth. 08/02/1974. The Skylab Orbital Workshop in Earth orbit photographed from the Skylab 4 Command and Service Modules during the final fly - around by the CSM before returning home. Feb 08 1974 / Bridgeman Images