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Thymus vulgaris/Common thyme
Thymus vulgaris/Common thyme

HFE4471918: Thymus vulgaris/Common thyme / Bridgeman Images

Allium acutiflorum/Garlic with sour flowers
Allium acutiflorum/Garlic with sour flowers

HFE4471929: Allium acutiflorum/Garlic with sour flowers / Bridgeman Images

Aphyllanthes monspeliensis/Monpellier Aphyllanthe/Montpellier blue eyelet/Blue Aphyllanthes
Aphyllanthes monspeliensis/Monpellier Aphyllanthe/Montpellier blue eyelet/Blue Aphyllanthes

HFE4471930: Aphyllanthes monspeliensis/Monpellier Aphyllanthe/Montpellier blue eyelet/Blue Aphyllanthes / Bridgeman Images

Chrysosplenium alternifolium/Dorine with alternate leaves/Archamboucher grass/Rockcress/Alternate-Leaved Golden-Saxifrage
Chrysosplenium alternifolium/Dorine with alternate leaves/Archamboucher grass/Rockcress/Alternate-Leaved Golden-Saxifrage

HFE4471931: Chrysosplenium alternifolium/Dorine with alternate leaves/Archamboucher grass/Rockcress/Alternate-Leaved Golden-Saxifrage / Bridgeman Images

Valeriana tripteris/Trifid Valeriane/Three-leaved Valeriane/Three-leaved Valerian
Valeriana tripteris/Trifid Valeriane/Three-leaved Valeriane/Three-leaved Valerian

HFE4471936: Valeriana tripteris/Trifid Valeriane/Three-leaved Valeriane/Three-leaved Valerian / Bridgeman Images

Viola biflora/Two-flowered Violet/Two-flowered Pensee/Alpine Yellow-violet
Viola biflora/Two-flowered Violet/Two-flowered Pensee/Alpine Yellow-violet

HFE4471941: Viola biflora/Two-flowered Violet/Two-flowered Pensee/Alpine Yellow-violet / Bridgeman Images

Gentiana verna/Spring Gentian/Spring Gentian
Gentiana verna/Spring Gentian/Spring Gentian

HFE4471955: Gentiana verna/Spring Gentian/Spring Gentian / Bridgeman Images

Ornithogalum umbellatum/Umbellatum Ornithogale/Eleven-hour Lady/Rigid-leaved Ornithogale
Ornithogalum umbellatum/Umbellatum Ornithogale/Eleven-hour Lady/Rigid-leaved Ornithogale

HFE4471956: Ornithogalum umbellatum/Umbellatum Ornithogale/Eleven-hour Lady/Rigid-leaved Ornithogale / Bridgeman Images

Lotus maritimus/Sea Lottery/Square Pove Lottery/Dragon 's-Teeth
Lotus maritimus/Sea Lottery/Square Pove Lottery/Dragon 's-Teeth

HFE4471966: Lotus maritimus/Sea Lottery/Square Pove Lottery/Dragon 's-Teeth / Bridgeman Images

Fragaria viridis/Hills Strawberry/Green Strawberry
Fragaria viridis/Hills Strawberry/Green Strawberry

HFE4471968: Fragaria viridis/Hills Strawberry/Green Strawberry / Bridgeman Images

Vicia villosa/Russian Vesce/Sand Vesce/Hairy Vesce/Downy Vetch
Vicia villosa/Russian Vesce/Sand Vesce/Hairy Vesce/Downy Vetch

HFE4471971: Vicia villosa/Russian Vesce/Sand Vesce/Hairy Vesce/Downy Vetch / Bridgeman Images

Blackstonia perfoliata/Blackstonia perfoliee/Yellow centauree/Yellow Wort
Blackstonia perfoliata/Blackstonia perfoliee/Yellow centauree/Yellow Wort

HFE4471972: Blackstonia perfoliata/Blackstonia perfoliee/Yellow centauree/Yellow Wort / Bridgeman Images

Ononis natrix/Bugrane fetide/Bugrane sticky/Yellow Restharrow
Ononis natrix/Bugrane fetide/Bugrane sticky/Yellow Restharrow

HFE4471985: Ononis natrix/Bugrane fetide/Bugrane sticky/Yellow Restharrow / Bridgeman Images

Aquilegia atrata/Black Ankoli/Dark Columbine
Aquilegia atrata/Black Ankoli/Dark Columbine

HFE4471986: Aquilegia atrata/Black Ankoli/Dark Columbine / Bridgeman Images

Orlaya grandiflora/Large-flowered Caucalis/Large-flowered Orlaya/Large-flowered Orlaya
Orlaya grandiflora/Large-flowered Caucalis/Large-flowered Orlaya/Large-flowered Orlaya

HFE4472003: Orlaya grandiflora/Large-flowered Caucalis/Large-flowered Orlaya/Large-flowered Orlaya / Bridgeman Images

Adiantum capilus-veneris/Montpellier Hair/Venus Hair/Common Maidenhair
Adiantum capilus-veneris/Montpellier Hair/Venus Hair/Common Maidenhair

HFE4472008: Adiantum capilus-veneris/Montpellier Hair/Venus Hair/Common Maidenhair / Bridgeman Images

Larix decidua/Meleze d'Europe/European Larch
Larix decidua/Meleze d'Europe/European Larch

HFE4472017: Larix decidua/Meleze d'Europe/European Larch / Bridgeman Images

Larix decidua/Meleze d'Europe/European Larch
Larix decidua/Meleze d'Europe/European Larch

HFE4472020: Larix decidua/Meleze d'Europe/European Larch / Bridgeman Images

Coeloglossum viride/Dactylorhiza viridis/Green Coeloglosse/Green Orchis/Frog Orchis/
Coeloglossum viride/Dactylorhiza viridis/Green Coeloglosse/Green Orchis/Frog Orchis/

HFE4472027: Coeloglossum viride/Dactylorhiza viridis/Green Coeloglosse/Green Orchis/Frog Orchis/ / Bridgeman Images

Galium rotundifolium/Round-leaved Gaillet
Galium rotundifolium/Round-leaved Gaillet

HFE4472042: Galium rotundifolium/Round-leaved Gaillet / Bridgeman Images

Galium rotundifolium/Round-leaved Gaillet
Galium rotundifolium/Round-leaved Gaillet

HFE4472051: Galium rotundifolium/Round-leaved Gaillet / Bridgeman Images

Daphne striata/Daphne strie/Camelee striee/Striped Daphne
Daphne striata/Daphne strie/Camelee striee/Striped Daphne

HFE4472056: Daphne striata/Daphne strie/Camelee striee/Striped Daphne / Bridgeman Images

Bartsia alpina/Alpine Bartsia
Bartsia alpina/Alpine Bartsia

HFE4472061: Bartsia alpina/Alpine Bartsia / Bridgeman Images

Linaria supina/Lianire couchee/Lesser Butterand Eggs
Linaria supina/Lianire couchee/Lesser Butterand Eggs

HFE4472063: Linaria supina/Lianire couchee/Lesser Butterand Eggs / Bridgeman Images

Cardamine resedifolia/Reseda Leaf Cardamine/Mignonette-leaved Bitter-cress
Cardamine resedifolia/Reseda Leaf Cardamine/Mignonette-leaved Bitter-cress

HFE4472066: Cardamine resedifolia/Reseda Leaf Cardamine/Mignonette-leaved Bitter-cress / Bridgeman Images

Christmas present, Italy
Christmas present, Italy

CUB4483104: Christmas present, Italy / Bridgeman Images

Grana Padano, Italy
Grana Padano, Italy

CUB4483115: Grana Padano, Italy / Bridgeman Images

Sculpture, Sicily, Italy
Sculpture, Sicily, Italy

CUB4483156: Sculpture, Sicily, Italy / Bridgeman Images

Fresh fish, Italy
Fresh fish, Italy

CUB4483158: Fresh fish, Italy / Bridgeman Images

Tools, Sicily, Italy
Tools, Sicily, Italy

CUB4483164: Tools, Sicily, Italy / Bridgeman Images

Restaurant, First Floor, New trade fair, Rho-Pero, Lombardy, Italy
Restaurant, First Floor, New trade fair, Rho-Pero, Lombardy, Italy

CUB4483167: Restaurant, First Floor, New trade fair, Rho-Pero, Lombardy, Italy / Bridgeman Images

Offices, New trade fair, Rho-Pero, Lombardy, Italy
Offices, New trade fair, Rho-Pero, Lombardy, Italy

CUB4483176: Offices, New trade fair, Rho-Pero, Lombardy, Italy / Bridgeman Images

Sail reflected at expositive palace, New trade fair, Rho-Pero, Lombardy, Italy
Sail reflected at expositive palace, New trade fair, Rho-Pero, Lombardy, Italy

CUB4483186: Sail reflected at expositive palace, New trade fair, Rho-Pero, Lombardy, Italy / Bridgeman Images

New trade fair, Rho-Pero, Lombardy, Italy
New trade fair, Rho-Pero, Lombardy, Italy

CUB4483188: New trade fair, Rho-Pero, Lombardy, Italy / Bridgeman Images

Second floor to east entrance, New trade fair, Rho-Pero, Lombardy, Italy
Second floor to east entrance, New trade fair, Rho-Pero, Lombardy, Italy

CUB4483202: Second floor to east entrance, New trade fair, Rho-Pero, Lombardy, Italy / Bridgeman Images

Offices and Fuksas monument, New trade fair, Rho-Pero, Lombardy, Italy
Offices and Fuksas monument, New trade fair, Rho-Pero, Lombardy, Italy

CUB4483207: Offices and Fuksas monument, New trade fair, Rho-Pero, Lombardy, Italy / Bridgeman Images

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