XRA1671137: Jacqueline Maillan, Daniel Ceccaldi And Jacques Jouanneau In The Piece De Theatre “Folle Amanda” At the Theatre Des Bouffes Parisiens, Paris, Director By Jacquescharon, 1974 -Jacqueline Maillan, Daniel Ceccaldi and Jacques Jouanneau in Play “Folle Amanda” Paris, 1974 (photo) / Bridgeman Images
DAZ1780588: Departure of the conscripts for the great war, c. late august early september 1914 . notice the graffitis written on the train : "long live Paris!", long live France!", "long live Belgium!" (Belgium was attacked by Germany and Austria on late august), "Back home after the victory or within three years" (they believed in the blitzkrieg or lightning war, and anyway the military duty lasted three years at that time), "To Berlin" (the French thought they could easily invade Berlin) / Bridgeman Images