MPX5086410: Swinging on the "Stars". The two ton elephants Hungoly (left) and Lech give four year old Hilary Yelding a swing during a break in rehearsing for Bertram Mills Circus at the winter quarters Ascot Berkshire. Kruse the trainer says, "Break it up Hilary". Otherwise the circus will not be ready for Olympia on December 18th. December 1953 / Bridgeman Images
MPX5079351: Mill chimneys in Brook Yard, Hipperholme, near Halifax, were demolished. Susan Heviour, Josephine Woodhouse, Ruth Collins, and Patricia Fairbank, fifth form students at Brighouse Heathfield Secondary Modern School, hold their ears as the last crack goes to demolish the biggest chimney of them all. October 1969 / Bridgeman Images