MPX5159646: John Kenneally runs a ten horse string at Clipsham, Rutland, spent £15,000 in countless man hours tearing up a rail track to make a race track. He has replaced the ballast with industrial sand and can keep his horses fit throughout the winter weather. Under the bridge, John Kenneally on Don Spirit, Phil Kettle on Wild Tudor, and Gerry Glover on Sestrel (Not left to right). December 1969 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images
MPX5159678: Liverpool Cathedral, the Church of England Cathedral of the Diocese of Liverpool, built on St James's Mount in Liverpool and is the seat of the Bishop of Liverpool, completed in 1978. Surveying St James Cemetery, which will eventually be a park is Mr J Rice, Senior Surveying Assistant. 7th July 1966 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images
MPX5159704: Mission to the Unknown', the second story of Season 3 of Doctor Who. The Beasts from UGH (United Galactic Headquarters), hold a secret meeting. A resolution was unanimously passed by the great powers of the Outer Galaxies that earth should be totally destroyed. The Beasts from UGH are seen gathered round the debating table. 6th August 1965 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images