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Alain Decaux (L) Receiving From Historian Andre Castelot his Academician Sword (Made By Sculptor Paulbelmondo) during Reception at The Radio-House in Paris March 06, 1980 (b/w photo)
Alain Decaux (L) Receiving From Historian Andre Castelot his Academician Sword (Made By Sculptor Paulbelmondo) during Reception at The Radio-House in Paris March 06, 1980 (b/w photo)

XRA1651074: Alain Decaux (L) Receiving From Historian Andre Castelot his Academician Sword (Made By Sculptor Paulbelmondo) during Reception at The Radio-House in Paris March 06, 1980 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Philippe Girault, Jacques Jouanneau, Marcha Grant and Jean Girault at Premiere of Film By Jean Girault
Philippe Girault, Jacques Jouanneau, Marcha Grant and Jean Girault at Premiere of Film By Jean Girault

XRA1651076: Philippe Girault, Jacques Jouanneau, Marcha Grant and Jean Girault at Premiere of Film By Jean Girault "Deux Grandes Filles Dans Un Pyjama" in Paris April 27, 1974 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Eva Swan, Anny Duperey and Dany Saval Wearing Fashion Design Students Winners For Fashion Prize in Paris April 15, 1971 (b/w photo)
Eva Swan, Anny Duperey and Dany Saval Wearing Fashion Design Students Winners For Fashion Prize in Paris April 15, 1971 (b/w photo)

XRA1651111: Eva Swan, Anny Duperey and Dany Saval Wearing Fashion Design Students Winners For Fashion Prize in Paris April 15, 1971 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Singer Minouche Barelli June 10, 1966 (b/w photo)
Singer Minouche Barelli June 10, 1966 (b/w photo)

XRA1651113: Singer Minouche Barelli June 10, 1966 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Maurice Chevalier Congratulating Singer Luis Mariano Who Received The Cross of Knight of Social Merit September 20, 1967 (b/w photo)
Maurice Chevalier Congratulating Singer Luis Mariano Who Received The Cross of Knight of Social Merit September 20, 1967 (b/w photo)

XRA1651132: Maurice Chevalier Congratulating Singer Luis Mariano Who Received The Cross of Knight of Social Merit September 20, 1967 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

telefilm La Dame aux Camelias avec Ludmilla Tcherina en fevrier 1972 d'apres AlexandreDumas Fils (photo)
telefilm La Dame aux Camelias avec Ludmilla Tcherina en fevrier 1972 d'apres AlexandreDumas Fils (photo)

XRA1651164: telefilm La Dame aux Camelias avec Ludmilla Tcherina en fevrier 1972 d'apres AlexandreDumas Fils (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Princess Caroline of Monaco Handing The Cup To Bjorn Borg Winner of The Monte-Carlo Tennis Tournament April 17, 1979 (photo)
Princess Caroline of Monaco Handing The Cup To Bjorn Borg Winner of The Monte-Carlo Tennis Tournament April 17, 1979 (photo)

XRA1651169: Princess Caroline of Monaco Handing The Cup To Bjorn Borg Winner of The Monte-Carlo Tennis Tournament April 17, 1979 (photo) / Bridgeman Images

French Prime Minister Guy Mollet Leaves France For Algeria To Meet General Catroux Resident Minister in Algeria here With Members of his Government Pierre Mendes-France , Maurice Bourges Maumoury February 6, 1956 during War in Algeria  (b/w photo)
French Prime Minister Guy Mollet Leaves France For Algeria To Meet General Catroux Resident Minister in Algeria here With Members of his Government Pierre Mendes-France , Maurice Bourges Maumoury February 6, 1956 during War in Algeria  (b/w photo)

XRA1651173: French Prime Minister Guy Mollet Leaves France For Algeria To Meet General Catroux Resident Minister in Algeria here With Members of his Government Pierre Mendes-France , Maurice Bourges Maumoury February 6, 1956 during War in Algeria (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Yannick Noah during The Tennis International Championship of Roland Garros in May 1988 (photo)
Yannick Noah during The Tennis International Championship of Roland Garros in May 1988 (photo)

XRA1651177: Yannick Noah during The Tennis International Championship of Roland Garros in May 1988 (photo) / Bridgeman Images

French Prime Minister Jacques Chirac Followed By French Minister of Interior Charles Pasqua and Robert Pandraud July 09, 1986 Going To The Headquarters of The Detective Division of The French Police Force in Paris After Bomb Attack (b/w photo)
French Prime Minister Jacques Chirac Followed By French Minister of Interior Charles Pasqua and Robert Pandraud July 09, 1986 Going To The Headquarters of The Detective Division of The French Police Force in Paris After Bomb Attack (b/w photo)

XRA1651182: French Prime Minister Jacques Chirac Followed By French Minister of Interior Charles Pasqua and Robert Pandraud July 09, 1986 Going To The Headquarters of The Detective Division of The French Police Force in Paris After Bomb Attack (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Princess Grace and Prince Rainier Iii of Monaco at Gala of The Knights of Malta in Paris April 11, 1967 (photo)
Princess Grace and Prince Rainier Iii of Monaco at Gala of The Knights of Malta in Paris April 11, 1967 (photo)

XRA1651228: Princess Grace and Prince Rainier Iii of Monaco at Gala of The Knights of Malta in Paris April 11, 1967 (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Ludmilla Tcherina and Husband Raymond Roy at Premiere of Film
Ludmilla Tcherina and Husband Raymond Roy at Premiere of Film

XRA1651235: Ludmilla Tcherina and Husband Raymond Roy at Premiere of Film "Cannabis" in Paris September 03, 1970 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

20 Th Anniversary of Cinema 'S Career of Danielle Darrieux With Bernard Blier and Yves Deniaud 30/03/1951 (b/w photo)
20 Th Anniversary of Cinema 'S Career of Danielle Darrieux With Bernard Blier and Yves Deniaud 30/03/1951 (b/w photo)

XRA1651246: 20 Th Anniversary of Cinema 'S Career of Danielle Darrieux With Bernard Blier and Yves Deniaud 30/03/1951 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Cocktail at Maxim'S Restaurant Offered By Producer Radleymetzger here L-R Anny Nelsen, Anna Gael, Remy Longa and Michele Morgan November 14, 1967 (b/w photo)
Cocktail at Maxim'S Restaurant Offered By Producer Radleymetzger here L-R Anny Nelsen, Anna Gael, Remy Longa and Michele Morgan November 14, 1967 (b/w photo)

XRA1651251: Cocktail at Maxim'S Restaurant Offered By Producer Radleymetzger here L-R Anny Nelsen, Anna Gael, Remy Longa and Michele Morgan November 14, 1967 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Gina Lollobrigida Arriving at Cannes Film Festival March 29, 1954 on The Left, A Photographer Holds The Door of her Car (b/w photo)
Gina Lollobrigida Arriving at Cannes Film Festival March 29, 1954 on The Left, A Photographer Holds The Door of her Car (b/w photo)

XRA1651273: Gina Lollobrigida Arriving at Cannes Film Festival March 29, 1954 on The Left, A Photographer Holds The Door of her Car (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Princess Grace De Monaco at Maxim'S Restaurant in Paris October 28, 1970 (photo)
Princess Grace De Monaco at Maxim'S Restaurant in Paris October 28, 1970 (photo)

XRA1651288: Princess Grace De Monaco at Maxim'S Restaurant in Paris October 28, 1970 (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Ms Lily Mendes-France ( Born Cicurel ) at her Home The 18Th June 1954 (b/w photo)
Ms Lily Mendes-France ( Born Cicurel ) at her Home The 18Th June 1954 (b/w photo)

XRA1651298: Ms Lily Mendes-France ( Born Cicurel ) at her Home The 18Th June 1954 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Wedding of Pascale Roberts and Pierre Mondy in Paris October 25, 1957 (b/w photo)
Wedding of Pascale Roberts and Pierre Mondy in Paris October 25, 1957 (b/w photo)

XRA1651313: Wedding of Pascale Roberts and Pierre Mondy in Paris October 25, 1957 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Marcel Mouloudji With Gerard Bauer, Roland Dorgeles, Andre Billy and Jean Giono, 1959  (b/w photo)
Marcel Mouloudji With Gerard Bauer, Roland Dorgeles, Andre Billy and Jean Giono, 1959  (b/w photo)

XRA1651316: Marcel Mouloudji With Gerard Bauer, Roland Dorgeles, Andre Billy and Jean Giono, 1959 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Wedding of Actress Brigitte Fossey and Stage Director Jean Francois Adam in Vaucresson May 1968 (b/w photo)
Wedding of Actress Brigitte Fossey and Stage Director Jean Francois Adam in Vaucresson May 1968 (b/w photo)

XRA1651335: Wedding of Actress Brigitte Fossey and Stage Director Jean Francois Adam in Vaucresson May 1968 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

American Secretary of State To Foreign Affairs John Foster Dulles , here Greeted at Paris Airport (Right) By Maurice Couve De Murville French Minister of Foreign Affairs and (Left) Herve Alphand (Permanent Representative of France To North Atlantic Council) July 04, 1958 For Meeting With French President Charlesdegaulle To Discuss About Nuclear Armaments, in The Background Are Louis Joxe and American Ambassador Amaury Houghton (Tall) (b/w photo)
American Secretary of State To Foreign Affairs John Foster Dulles , here Greeted at Paris Airport (Right) By Maurice Couve De Murville French Minister of Foreign Affairs and (Left) Herve Alphand (Permanent Representative of France To North Atlantic Council) July 04, 1958 For Meeting With French President Charlesdegaulle To Discuss About Nuclear Armaments, in The Background Are Louis Joxe and American Ambassador Amaury Houghton (Tall) (b/w photo)

XRA1651336: American Secretary of State To Foreign Affairs John Foster Dulles , here Greeted at Paris Airport (Right) By Maurice Couve De Murville French Minister of Foreign Affairs and (Left) Herve Alphand (Permanent Representative of France To North Atlantic Council) July 04, 1958 For Meeting With French President Charlesdegaulle To Discuss About Nuclear Armaments, in The Background Are Louis Joxe and American Ambassador Amaury Houghton (Tall) (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Jean Gabin Receiving The Cross of The Legion of Honour, here Congratulated By his Wife Dominique Fournier February 25, 1960 (b/w photo)
Jean Gabin Receiving The Cross of The Legion of Honour, here Congratulated By his Wife Dominique Fournier February 25, 1960 (b/w photo)

XRA1651355: Jean Gabin Receiving The Cross of The Legion of Honour, here Congratulated By his Wife Dominique Fournier February 25, 1960 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

French Singer Antoine Playing Piano Cocktail, With Annie Buron, Marie France Pisier and Alexandra Stewart at Premiere of Film
French Singer Antoine Playing Piano Cocktail, With Annie Buron, Marie France Pisier and Alexandra Stewart at Premiere of Film

XRA1650662: French Singer Antoine Playing Piano Cocktail, With Annie Buron, Marie France Pisier and Alexandra Stewart at Premiere of Film "L'Ecume Des Jours" in Paris March 21, 1968 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

French Prime Minister Pierre Mauroy , on Radioprogram February 28, 1983 (b/w photo)
French Prime Minister Pierre Mauroy , on Radioprogram February 28, 1983 (b/w photo)

XRA1650671: French Prime Minister Pierre Mauroy , on Radioprogram February 28, 1983 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

French Prime Minister Pierre Mauroy , With Lionel Jospin , First Secretary of French Socialist Party, during Socialist Meeting March 31, 1983 (b/w photo)
French Prime Minister Pierre Mauroy , With Lionel Jospin , First Secretary of French Socialist Party, during Socialist Meeting March 31, 1983 (b/w photo)

XRA1650672: French Prime Minister Pierre Mauroy , With Lionel Jospin , First Secretary of French Socialist Party, during Socialist Meeting March 31, 1983 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Marlene Jobert and Sergio Leone at Cannes Film Festival during Reception Aboard The-Amazon Boat May 12, 1972 (b/w photo)
Marlene Jobert and Sergio Leone at Cannes Film Festival during Reception Aboard The-Amazon Boat May 12, 1972 (b/w photo)

XRA1650682: Marlene Jobert and Sergio Leone at Cannes Film Festival during Reception Aboard The-Amazon Boat May 12, 1972 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

French Actor Bernard Giraudeau, 80'S (b/w photo)
French Actor Bernard Giraudeau, 80'S (b/w photo)

XRA1650686: French Actor Bernard Giraudeau, 80'S (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Liberation of Paris, August 1944 : French Soldiers (2Nd Armored Division) Greeted By The Crowd (b/w photo)
Liberation of Paris, August 1944 : French Soldiers (2Nd Armored Division) Greeted By The Crowd (b/w photo)

XRA1650696: Liberation of Paris, August 1944 : French Soldiers (2Nd Armored Division) Greeted By The Crowd (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Jean-Jacques Servan-Schreiber, President of The French Radical Socialist Party, during Press Conference , Announcing He Will Not Be Candidate To The Presidency April 16, 1974 (Francoise Giroud on The Right) (b/w photo)
Jean-Jacques Servan-Schreiber, President of The French Radical Socialist Party, during Press Conference , Announcing He Will Not Be Candidate To The Presidency April 16, 1974 (Francoise Giroud on The Right) (b/w photo)

XRA1650699: Jean-Jacques Servan-Schreiber, President of The French Radical Socialist Party, during Press Conference , Announcing He Will Not Be Candidate To The Presidency April 16, 1974 (Francoise Giroud on The Right) (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Henri Gloser, Bulle Ogier, Bud Cort, Lea Massri, Marie Dubois and Roland Dubillard Receiving French Movie Prize November 07, 1973 (b/w photo)
Henri Gloser, Bulle Ogier, Bud Cort, Lea Massri, Marie Dubois and Roland Dubillard Receiving French Movie Prize November 07, 1973 (b/w photo)

XRA1650705: Henri Gloser, Bulle Ogier, Bud Cort, Lea Massri, Marie Dubois and Roland Dubillard Receiving French Movie Prize November 07, 1973 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Opera Singer Maria Callas With Orchestra during Charity Concert in Paris June 06, 1963 (b/w photo)
Opera Singer Maria Callas With Orchestra during Charity Concert in Paris June 06, 1963 (b/w photo)

XRA1650719: Opera Singer Maria Callas With Orchestra during Charity Concert in Paris June 06, 1963 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

France Football Team Won Qualifying Match in Paris Over Yugoslavia Team during World Cup, here Gondet Facing Yugoslavian Goalkeeper Soskic October 09, 1965 (b/w photo)
France Football Team Won Qualifying Match in Paris Over Yugoslavia Team during World Cup, here Gondet Facing Yugoslavian Goalkeeper Soskic October 09, 1965 (b/w photo)

XRA1650721: France Football Team Won Qualifying Match in Paris Over Yugoslavia Team during World Cup, here Gondet Facing Yugoslavian Goalkeeper Soskic October 09, 1965 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

French President Vincent Auriol and his Wife Michelle Aucouturier C. 1946-1947 (b/w photo)
French President Vincent Auriol and his Wife Michelle Aucouturier C. 1946-1947 (b/w photo)

XRA1650723: French President Vincent Auriol and his Wife Michelle Aucouturier C. 1946-1947 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

French President Vincent Auriol and his Wife Michelle Aucouturier at Elysee Palace in December 1949 (b/w photo)
French President Vincent Auriol and his Wife Michelle Aucouturier at Elysee Palace in December 1949 (b/w photo)

XRA1650724: French President Vincent Auriol and his Wife Michelle Aucouturier at Elysee Palace in December 1949 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Singer Herve Villard , Durin TV Programme March 24, 1984 (b/w photo)
Singer Herve Villard , Durin TV Programme March 24, 1984 (b/w photo)

XRA1650749: Singer Herve Villard , Durin TV Programme March 24, 1984 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Joel Bats, Goalkeeper of France Soccer Team and of Psg Soccer Team, Released his First Record, here Congratulated By Maddly Brel (Jacquesbrel'S Widow) October 27, 1986 (b/w photo)
Joel Bats, Goalkeeper of France Soccer Team and of Psg Soccer Team, Released his First Record, here Congratulated By Maddly Brel (Jacquesbrel'S Widow) October 27, 1986 (b/w photo)

XRA1650759: Joel Bats, Goalkeeper of France Soccer Team and of Psg Soccer Team, Released his First Record, here Congratulated By Maddly Brel (Jacquesbrel'S Widow) October 27, 1986 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

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