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pierre Boulez - portrait of the French conductor and composer born in 1925 - Paris 1998
pierre Boulez - portrait of the French conductor and composer born in 1925 - Paris 1998

MTT5852510: pierre Boulez - portrait of the French conductor and composer born in 1925 - Paris 1998 / Bridgeman Images

Pierre Boulez - portrait of the French conductor born in 1925 - Paris 1998
Pierre Boulez - portrait of the French conductor born in 1925 - Paris 1998

MTT5852515: Pierre Boulez - portrait of the French conductor born in 1925 - Paris 1998 / Bridgeman Images

Christof Perick - portrait of the German conductor born in 1946, rehearsing with l'Orchestre National de France - in 1997
Christof Perick - portrait of the German conductor born in 1946, rehearsing with l'Orchestre National de France - in 1997

MTT5852520: Christof Perick - portrait of the German conductor born in 1946, rehearsing with l'Orchestre National de France - in 1997 / Bridgeman Images

Dominique Rolin - portrait of the Belgian novelist - 1913 2012 - in his appartment in Paris 1984
Dominique Rolin - portrait of the Belgian novelist - 1913 2012 - in his appartment in Paris 1984

MTT5852521: Dominique Rolin - portrait of the Belgian novelist - 1913 2012 - in his appartment in Paris 1984 / Bridgeman Images

Evgeni Svetlanov -Evgeni Svetlanov. Portrait of the Russian conductor - - 1928 2002 - Paris 2001
Evgeni Svetlanov -Evgeni Svetlanov. Portrait of the Russian conductor - - 1928 2002 - Paris 2001

MTT5852526: Evgeni Svetlanov -Evgeni Svetlanov. Portrait of the Russian conductor - - 1928 2002 - Paris 2001 / Bridgeman Images

Jean Guihem Queyras, portrait of the french cellist born in 1967, Paris 1996
Jean Guihem Queyras, portrait of the french cellist born in 1967, Paris 1996

MTT5852531: Jean Guihem Queyras, portrait of the french cellist born in 1967, Paris 1996 / Bridgeman Images

Evgeni Svetlanov. Portrait of the Russian conductor - - 1928 2002 - Paris 2001
Evgeni Svetlanov. Portrait of the Russian conductor - - 1928 2002 - Paris 2001

MTT5852532: Evgeni Svetlanov. Portrait of the Russian conductor - - 1928 2002 - Paris 2001 / Bridgeman Images

Evgeni Svetlanov. Portrait of the Russian conductor - - 1928 2002 - Paris 2001
Evgeni Svetlanov. Portrait of the Russian conductor - - 1928 2002 - Paris 2001

MTT5852541: Evgeni Svetlanov. Portrait of the Russian conductor - - 1928 2002 - Paris 2001 / Bridgeman Images

violin and score
violin and score

MTT5852542: violin and score / Bridgeman Images

Evgeni Svetlanov. Portrait of the Russian conductor - - 1928 2002 - Paris 1996
Evgeni Svetlanov. Portrait of the Russian conductor - - 1928 2002 - Paris 1996

MTT5852548: Evgeni Svetlanov. Portrait of the Russian conductor - - 1928 2002 - Paris 1996 / Bridgeman Images

Evgeni Svetlanov - Russian conductor - 1928 2002 - Conducting in Paris 2001
Evgeni Svetlanov - Russian conductor - 1928 2002 - Conducting in Paris 2001

MTT5852555: Evgeni Svetlanov - Russian conductor - 1928 2002 - Conducting in Paris 2001 / Bridgeman Images

Evgeni Svetlanov. Portrait of the Russian conductor - - 1928 2002 - Paris 2001
Evgeni Svetlanov. Portrait of the Russian conductor - - 1928 2002 - Paris 2001

MTT5852556: Evgeni Svetlanov. Portrait of the Russian conductor - - 1928 2002 - Paris 2001 / Bridgeman Images

Elliott Carter - portrait of the American composer born in 1908, d. in 2012 - Paris 1991
Elliott Carter - portrait of the American composer born in 1908, d. in 2012 - Paris 1991

MTT5852561: Elliott Carter - portrait of the American composer born in 1908, d. in 2012 - Paris 1991 / Bridgeman Images

Elliott Carter - portrait of the American composer 1908 - 2012 - Paris 1991
Elliott Carter - portrait of the American composer 1908 - 2012 - Paris 1991

MTT5852565: Elliott Carter - portrait of the American composer 1908 - 2012 - Paris 1991 / Bridgeman Images

Vladimir Fedoseyev conducting in Paris, France, 2006 (photo)
Vladimir Fedoseyev conducting in Paris, France, 2006 (photo)

MTT5849582: Vladimir Fedoseyev conducting in Paris, France, 2006 (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Vladimir Fedoseyev conducting in Paris, France, 2006 (photo)
Vladimir Fedoseyev conducting in Paris, France, 2006 (photo)

MTT5849583: Vladimir Fedoseyev conducting in Paris, France, 2006 (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Woman playing the flute. Hands on flute.
Woman playing the flute. Hands on flute.

MTT5849587: Woman playing the flute. Hands on flute. / Bridgeman Images

David Guerrier - portrait of the French trumpeter in Paris, France in January 2006. b. 2 December 1984.  Holding a French horn.
David Guerrier - portrait of the French trumpeter in Paris, France in January 2006. b. 2 December 1984.  Holding a French horn.

MTT5849597: David Guerrier - portrait of the French trumpeter in Paris, France in January 2006. b. 2 December 1984. Holding a French horn. / Bridgeman Images

Bernard Haitink rehearsing in Paris, France, 2006 (photo)
Bernard Haitink rehearsing in Paris, France, 2006 (photo)

MTT5849598: Bernard Haitink rehearsing in Paris, France, 2006 (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Bernard Haitink rehearsing in Paris, France, 2006 (photo)
Bernard Haitink rehearsing in Paris, France, 2006 (photo)

MTT5849599: Bernard Haitink rehearsing in Paris, France, 2006 (photo) / Bridgeman Images

David Guerrier - portrait of the French trumpeter in Paris, France in January 2006. b. 2 December 1984
David Guerrier - portrait of the French trumpeter in Paris, France in January 2006. b. 2 December 1984

MTT5849600: David Guerrier - portrait of the French trumpeter in Paris, France in January 2006. b. 2 December 1984 / Bridgeman Images

Daniel Harding conducting in Paris, France, 2007 (photo)
Daniel Harding conducting in Paris, France, 2007 (photo)

MTT5849605: Daniel Harding conducting in Paris, France, 2007 (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Daniel Harding conducting in Paris, France, 2007 (photo)
Daniel Harding conducting in Paris, France, 2007 (photo)

MTT5849607: Daniel Harding conducting in Paris, France, 2007 (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Alexander Janiczek performing in Paris, France, 2006 (photo)
Alexander Janiczek performing in Paris, France, 2006 (photo)

MTT5849611: Alexander Janiczek performing in Paris, France, 2006 (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Pierre Jodlowski - portrait of the French composer in Paris, France, December 2002.
Pierre Jodlowski - portrait of the French composer in Paris, France, December 2002.

MTT5849616: Pierre Jodlowski - portrait of the French composer in Paris, France, December 2002. / Bridgeman Images

Evgeny Kissin - portrait of the Russian pianist in Paris, France, in 1999. b. 10 October 1971.
Evgeny Kissin - portrait of the Russian pianist in Paris, France, in 1999. b. 10 October 1971.

MTT5849620: Evgeny Kissin - portrait of the Russian pianist in Paris, France, in 1999. b. 10 October 1971. / Bridgeman Images

Stephen Kovacevich rehearsing in Paris, France, 2006 (photo)
Stephen Kovacevich rehearsing in Paris, France, 2006 (photo)

MTT5849622: Stephen Kovacevich rehearsing in Paris, France, 2006 (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Stephen Kovacevich - portrait of the American pianist in Paris, France, on 30 November 2006. b. 17 October 1940.
Stephen Kovacevich - portrait of the American pianist in Paris, France, on 30 November 2006. b. 17 October 1940.

MTT5849624: Stephen Kovacevich - portrait of the American pianist in Paris, France, on 30 November 2006. b. 17 October 1940. / Bridgeman Images

György Kurtág - portrait of the Hungarian composer at the Cité de la Musique in Paris, France. b. 19 February 1926.
György Kurtág - portrait of the Hungarian composer at the Cité de la Musique in Paris, France. b. 19 February 1926.

MTT5849626: György Kurtág - portrait of the Hungarian composer at the Cité de la Musique in Paris, France. b. 19 February 1926. / Bridgeman Images

György Kurtág and Michael Gielen in Paris, France, 1998 (photo)
György Kurtág and Michael Gielen in Paris, France, 1998 (photo)

MTT5849627: György Kurtág and Michael Gielen in Paris, France, 1998 (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Lang Lang performing with the Orchestre de Paris in September 2005. Chinese pianist, b. 1982.
Lang Lang performing with the Orchestre de Paris in September 2005. Chinese pianist, b. 1982.

MTT5849629: Lang Lang performing with the Orchestre de Paris in September 2005. Chinese pianist, b. 1982. / Bridgeman Images

Lang Lang performing with the Orchestre de Paris in September 2005. Chinese pianist, b. 1982.
Lang Lang performing with the Orchestre de Paris in September 2005. Chinese pianist, b. 1982.

MTT5849630: Lang Lang performing with the Orchestre de Paris in September 2005. Chinese pianist, b. 1982. / Bridgeman Images

Gustav Leonhardt - portrait of the Dutch pianist, organist and conductor performing in 2001. b. 30 May 1928.
Gustav Leonhardt - portrait of the Dutch pianist, organist and conductor performing in 2001. b. 30 May 1928.

MTT5849632: Gustav Leonhardt - portrait of the Dutch pianist, organist and conductor performing in 2001. b. 30 May 1928. / Bridgeman Images

György Sándor Ligeti in Paris, France, 1985 (b/w photo)
György Sándor Ligeti in Paris, France, 1985 (b/w photo)

MTT5849636: György Sándor Ligeti in Paris, France, 1985 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Oleg Maisenberg performing in Paris, France, 2007 (photo)
Oleg Maisenberg performing in Paris, France, 2007 (photo)

MTT5849645: Oleg Maisenberg performing in Paris, France, 2007 (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Nikolai Lugansky - portrait of the Russian pianist rehearsing with the Orchestre de Paris in Paris, France, in April 2005. b. 26 April 1972.
Nikolai Lugansky - portrait of the Russian pianist rehearsing with the Orchestre de Paris in Paris, France, in April 2005. b. 26 April 1972.

MTT5849647: Nikolai Lugansky - portrait of the Russian pianist rehearsing with the Orchestre de Paris in Paris, France, in April 2005. b. 26 April 1972. / Bridgeman Images

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