LZT1012503: Lodgings to Let, C.W., London, 1814, a Fashionably Dressed Man Standing in a Well-Furnished Sitting-Room, Speaking to a Pretty and Elegant Young Woman. He Wears a Tophat, Hessian Boots, and Carries a Large Rough Walking-Stick. He Says: My Sweet Honey, I Hope You Are to Be Let with the Lodgins! She Answers: No, Sir, I Am to Be Let Alone. / Bridgeman Images
PIX4569495: The Moon, Mars and Venus - Moon, Mars and Venus - Landscape seen at dawn with the Moon in the last crescent, Venus, very bright, on the right, and Mars above the left of Venus. June 20, 2009. A nice planetary conjunction between Venus, Mars above Caraiman Valley, in the Bucegi Mountains. The shot was taken out on the opened window of the chalet, as some bears were playing nearby. June 20 2009; Romania / Bridgeman Images
DUV4206873: Letter N and O: nurse, hazelnut, oranges and ear. Engraving in "ABC L'alphabet des bebes". Unbreakable volume on canvas in chromolithography. A. Capendu, editor, Paris. Early 20th century, around 1905. Imagery of English origin, accompanied by words in French corresponding to each initial letter. 12 pages. Dim: 32x25,5cm / Bridgeman Images