MPX5137338: 43-year-old Colour Sergeant Joseph Cuddihy of the Irish Guards picks, 1,100 sprigs and, 300 sprays of Shamrock, at Coppingers Court Ruin, Ireland. These will be handed out to the guards at noon on St Patrick's Day by the Queen Mother. Colour Sergeant Cuddihy has been carrying out this mission annually for the last seven years., 13th March 1970 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images
MPX5137404: Major George Herbert "Lucky Breeze" Scott assistant director of airship development and Squadron Leader E L Johnson navigator of the R101 seen here at Cardington, c. January 1930. Both men were to lose their lives when the R101 crashed during its maiden overseas flight in October 1930 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images