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The Virgin Queen directed by Henry Koster, 1955
The Virgin Queen directed by Henry Koster, 1955

DIL2769270: The Virgin Queen directed by Henry Koster, 1955 / Bridgeman Images

Reap The Wild Wind directed by Cecil B. Demille, 1942
Reap The Wild Wind directed by Cecil B. Demille, 1942

DIL2769284: Reap The Wild Wind directed by Cecil B. Demille, 1942 / Bridgeman Images

Reap the Wild Wind - Les naufrageurs des mers du sud 1942 directed by Cecil B. DeMille (photo); Paramount Pictures; John Wayne
Reap the Wild Wind - Les naufrageurs des mers du sud 1942 directed by Cecil B. DeMille (photo); Paramount Pictures; John Wayne

DIL2769287: Reap the Wild Wind - Les naufrageurs des mers du sud 1942 directed by Cecil B. DeMille (photo); Paramount Pictures; John Wayne / Bridgeman Images

Reap the Wild Wind - Les naufrageurs des mers du sud 1942 directed by Cecil B. DeMille (photo); Paramount Pictures; Paulette Goddard
Reap the Wild Wind - Les naufrageurs des mers du sud 1942 directed by Cecil B. DeMille (photo); Paramount Pictures; Paulette Goddard

DIL2769288: Reap the Wild Wind - Les naufrageurs des mers du sud 1942 directed by Cecil B. DeMille (photo); Paramount Pictures; Paulette Goddard / Bridgeman Images

Jane Fonda - Tall Story - Une gamine qui voit grand 1960 directed by Joshua Logan (photo);Warner Bros. Pictures
Jane Fonda - Tall Story - Une gamine qui voit grand 1960 directed by Joshua Logan (photo);Warner Bros. Pictures

DIL2769292: Jane Fonda - Tall Story - Une gamine qui voit grand 1960 directed by Joshua Logan (photo);Warner Bros. Pictures / Bridgeman Images

Tall Story by Joshua Logan, 1960
Tall Story by Joshua Logan, 1960

DIL2769294: Tall Story by Joshua Logan, 1960 / Bridgeman Images

Sunday in New York by Peter Tewksbury, 1963
Sunday in New York by Peter Tewksbury, 1963

DIL2769302: Sunday in New York by Peter Tewksbury, 1963 / Bridgeman Images

General Claret de La Touche 1852 1939 General de Division during the First World War Photograph taken from the magazine Le Pays de France in 1917
General Claret de La Touche 1852 1939 General de Division during the First World War Photograph taken from the magazine Le Pays de France in 1917

GEG2769659: General Claret de La Touche 1852 1939 General de Division during the First World War Photograph taken from the magazine Le Pays de France in 1917 / Bridgeman Images

February 1917 - Verdun-Front French prisoners wounded escorted back by German soldiers
February 1917 - Verdun-Front French prisoners wounded escorted back by German soldiers

ERN2769667: February 1917 - Verdun-Front French prisoners wounded escorted back by German soldiers / Bridgeman Images

The dog Battalion, mascot of the 6th company of the 277th R.I. with the rats he hunted - 1915
The dog Battalion, mascot of the 6th company of the 277th R.I. with the rats he hunted - 1915

ERN2769668: The dog Battalion, mascot of the 6th company of the 277th R.I. with the rats he hunted - 1915 / Bridgeman Images

Soldiers of German assault troops embarking for the front
Soldiers of German assault troops embarking for the front

ERN2769670: Soldiers of German assault troops embarking for the front / Bridgeman Images

French soldiers in a trench with a non-eclate shell
French soldiers in a trench with a non-eclate shell

ERN2769671: French soldiers in a trench with a non-eclate shell / Bridgeman Images

Francis Jammes 1868 1938 Poete and novelist francais Ici photography in 1911
Francis Jammes 1868 1938 Poete and novelist francais Ici photography in 1911

GEG2769773: Francis Jammes 1868 1938 Poete and novelist francais Ici photography in 1911 / Bridgeman Images

Raymond Delmotte 1894 1962 French aviator Kept several speed world records Winner of the Deutsch Cup in 1935
Raymond Delmotte 1894 1962 French aviator Kept several speed world records Winner of the Deutsch Cup in 1935

GEG2769778: Raymond Delmotte 1894 1962 French aviator Kept several speed world records Winner of the Deutsch Cup in 1935 / Bridgeman Images

Saint Joan d Arc patron saint of France pray for us Cover of the Catholic magazine Le Foyer in May 1941
Saint Joan d Arc patron saint of France pray for us Cover of the Catholic magazine Le Foyer in May 1941

GEG2769779: Saint Joan d Arc patron saint of France pray for us Cover of the Catholic magazine Le Foyer in May 1941 / Bridgeman Images

Henry Bordeaux 1870 1963 French novelist and essayist Photograph by Laure Albin Guillot in 1928
Henry Bordeaux 1870 1963 French novelist and essayist Photograph by Laure Albin Guillot in 1928

GEG2769795: Henry Bordeaux 1870 1963 French novelist and essayist Photograph by Laure Albin Guillot in 1928 / Bridgeman Images

Dietrich Henschel
Dietrich Henschel

MTT2770155: Dietrich Henschel / Bridgeman Images

Gunther Herbig
Gunther Herbig

MTT2770161: Gunther Herbig / Bridgeman Images

Philip Herreweghe
Philip Herreweghe

MTT2770164: Philip Herreweghe / Bridgeman Images

Philip Hersant
Philip Hersant

MTT2770170: Philip Hersant / Bridgeman Images

Philip Hersant
Philip Hersant

MTT2770172: Philip Hersant / Bridgeman Images

Philip Hersant
Philip Hersant

MTT2770174: Philip Hersant / Bridgeman Images

Christopher Hogwood
Christopher Hogwood

MTT2770182: Christopher Hogwood / Bridgeman Images

Elgar Howard
Elgar Howard

MTT2770186: Elgar Howard / Bridgeman Images

Eugcne Istomin
Eugcne Istomin

MTT2770198: Eugcne Istomin / Bridgeman Images

-Peter Jablonski in Paris in 1998 - Swedish pianist did not in 1971
-Peter Jablonski in Paris in 1998 - Swedish pianist did not in 1971

MTT2770201: -Peter Jablonski in Paris in 1998 - Swedish pianist did not in 1971 / Bridgeman Images

Rene Jacobs
Rene Jacobs

MTT2770215: Rene Jacobs / Bridgeman Images

Senegalese skirmishers dancing at Tonnoy camp
Senegalese skirmishers dancing at Tonnoy camp

ERN2770223: Senegalese skirmishers dancing at Tonnoy camp / Bridgeman Images

Show given by soldiers of the 94th R.I.- 1915
Show given by soldiers of the 94th R.I.- 1915

GEG2770239: Show given by soldiers of the 94th R.I.- 1915 / Bridgeman Images

A moment of repite on the outskirts of the Soldiers' Trenches francais
A moment of repite on the outskirts of the Soldiers' Trenches francais

GEG2770240: A moment of repite on the outskirts of the Soldiers' Trenches francais / Bridgeman Images

Dersou Ouzala 1975 directed by Akira Kurasawa
Dersou Ouzala 1975 directed by Akira Kurasawa

DIL2770274: Dersou Ouzala 1975 directed by Akira Kurasawa / Bridgeman Images

Costume de Rennes et d Ille et Vilaine Jeune fille coiffee de la Polka Carte postale vers 1900
Costume de Rennes et d Ille et Vilaine Jeune fille coiffee de la Polka Carte postale vers 1900

GEG2768510: Costume de Rennes et d Ille et Vilaine Jeune fille coiffee de la Polka Carte postale vers 1900 / Bridgeman Images

Manuel du soldat chretien aux armees Par le chanoine Vitel Ancien aumonier militaire Edition de septembre 1939
Manuel du soldat chretien aux armees Par le chanoine Vitel Ancien aumonier militaire Edition de septembre 1939

GEG2768513: Manuel du soldat chretien aux armees Par le chanoine Vitel Ancien aumonier militaire Edition de septembre 1939 / Bridgeman Images

Occidentale et femme indigene vues par le dessinateur Albert Guillaume en 1922 pour la couverture du livre de Clement Vautel Mlle Sans Gene aux editions Albin Michel
Occidentale et femme indigene vues par le dessinateur Albert Guillaume en 1922 pour la couverture du livre de Clement Vautel Mlle Sans Gene aux editions Albin Michel

GEG2768534: Occidentale et femme indigene vues par le dessinateur Albert Guillaume en 1922 pour la couverture du livre de Clement Vautel Mlle Sans Gene aux editions Albin Michel / Bridgeman Images

Station balneaire de Nervi pres de Genes en Italie Illustration extraite d'un depliant touristique de 1940
Station balneaire de Nervi pres de Genes en Italie Illustration extraite d'un depliant touristique de 1940

GEG2768542: Station balneaire de Nervi pres de Genes en Italie Illustration extraite d'un depliant touristique de 1940 / Bridgeman Images

Nouveau train electrique sur la cote pacifique des Etats Unis construit en duralumin en 1934
Nouveau train electrique sur la cote pacifique des Etats Unis construit en duralumin en 1934

GEG2768860: Nouveau train electrique sur la cote pacifique des Etats Unis construit en duralumin en 1934 / Bridgeman Images

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