MPX5160369: The Secretary of State for Wales, Mr George Thomas talking to press and television reporters at the scene of a bomb explosion in the control tower of a practice bombing range at Pembrey, Carmarthenshire. The shattered windows of the control tower can be seen behind Mr Thomas. 9th September 1968 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images
MPX5160372: The first meeting of Bootle Borough Council was held last night in the new coCouncil Chamber. Pictured is the scene at the commencement of business with the Mayor of Bootle (Alderman Simon Mahon, M.P) centre, and Councillors immediately below on each side. Left and right in the immediate foreground is the public gallery. The new chamber has cost £20,000 and is part of the Civic Centre redevelopment scheme which is costing £275,000. 5th September 1967 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images
MPX5160487: What did you do in the war, mummy?... War years were revisited when residents of Rose Mount, Birkby, held a 1940's street party in aid of the Kirkwood Hospice Appeal. The party featured the Huddersfield Youth Brass Ensemble - playing Glenn Miller music - a tea served at trestle tables, a tombola and a raffle. 29th June 1986 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images
MPX5160500: Young musicians in the North-East are tuning up for auditions for a place in Europe's largest youth music festival. The National Festival of Music for Youth ail take place at the South Bank concert halls in London in July. Auditioning for the first time will be Thornaby's Dene School Chamber Choir. The 17 members, aged 11-16, sing unaccompanied songs, including Madrigals and 16th Century music. 10th March 1984 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images
MPX5160504: Retiring music teacher Miss Janet Beaumont takes the baton for the last time at the third annual music festival St David's School, Marsh. Miss Beaumont has taught at the school for 40 years and she started the festival competition, which is judged by several eminent musicians. Miss Beaumont is pictured with some of the children who took part in the two day event, their ages ranging from 4 to 16. 6th July 1989 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images