TEC4659953: Le Pavillon Baltard des Halles de Paris in Nogent sur Marne (Val de Marne). Construction 1854-1866, architect Victor Balard (1805-1874) and Felix Emmanuel Callet (1791-1854). In 1962, he decided to transfer the Marche des Halles to the Marche d'Interet National de Rungis. In 1969, the transfer being made, the Halles were chosen to demolish. There is only one exile in Nogent sur Marne. Before agreement is reached on what should be done above the underground station and the shopping centre of the Forum des Halles, there will be a hole in the middle of Paris, the Trou des Halles. / Bridgeman Images
PIX4675757: Man of Neanderthal - Neanderthal man - Scene of daily life of a group of Neanderthalians (Homo neanderthalensis). The Neanderthal Man lived in Europe and Western Asia in Middle Paleolithic, between about 250,000 and 28,000 years BC. Everyday life of Neanderthal men (Homo neanderthalensis). This hominid inhabited Europe and parts of western Asia between 250,000 and 28,000 years ago / Bridgeman Images
PIX4629513: Copernician System - Copernician System - Heliocentric model according to Nicolas Copernic. Engraving from “Harmonia Macrocosmica” by Andreas Cellarius, 1660-1661. The Heliocentric model according to Copernicus. Plate of the Harmonia Macrocosmica of Andreas Cellarius, 1660-1661 / Bridgeman Images