PIX4634232: From Big Bang to Today - From Big Bang to the Earth. Artwork - Artist's view showing the stages of formation of the universe. From left to right, the Big Bang, the first stars, the formation of galaxies, with the medallion of the Earth. A gamma ray emanating from a black hole crosses time to earth. Universe from the beginning (left), the first stars, first galaxies, to the Earth. A gamma ray from a black hole is crossing time to reach the Earth / Bridgeman Images
PIX4677144: Sulphur en fusion - Volcano Kawah Ijen -Java, Indonesia - Natural sulfur burning at Kawah Ijen volcano -Java, Indonesia - Sulphur in natural fusion on Kawah Ijen volcano. Sulphur on fire emits a blue glow. This active stratovolcano is located on the island of Java in Indonesia, on the Pacific belt of fire. Natural sulfur burning at Kawah Ijen volcano seen at night. Burning sulfur is emitting blue light. This active stratovolcano is located on the island of Java in Indonesia on the Pacific Ring of fire / Bridgeman Images
PIX4676986: Anak Krakatau volcano eruption - Anak Krakatau volcano - Anak Krakatau volcano eruption in June 2009. This explosive-type active volcano is located in Indonesia on the Pacific belt of fire. The Anak Krakatau (the “son of Krakatoa”) appeared in 1927 on the remains of the terrible explosion of Krakatoa in 1883. Volcanic eruption of Anak Krakatau in june 2009. This active volcano is located in Indonesia on the Pacific Ring of fire. Anak Krakatau, which means child of Kratatau,””” emerged from the sea in 1928 replacing the Krakatau craters destroyed in the 1883 eruption. / Bridgeman Images