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MEP2384166: Herbert Elliott and his wife Ann sitting by the pond in the EUR area / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP2384166
Herbert Elliott and his wife Ann sitting by the pond in the EUR area
MEP2384171: Herbert Elliott holding his son James in his arms at 17th Olympic Games / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP2384171
Herbert Elliott holding his son James in his arms at 17th Olympic Games
MEP2384184: Luigi Einaudi to the mountains / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP2384184
Luigi Einaudi to the mountains
MEP2384185: Luigi Einaudi receiving the ministers of the Palla government / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP2384185
Luigi Einaudi receiving the ministers of the Palla government
MEP2384195: Giustino Durano, Marisa Del Frate, Macario and Lucy D'Albert on the set of Chiamate Arturo... 777 / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP2384195
Giustino Durano, Marisa Del Frate, Macario and Lucy D'Albert on the set of Chiamate Arturo... 777
MEP2384201: Amos Edallo on a balcony / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP2384201
Amos Edallo on a balcony
MEP2384216: Portrait of Georges Duhamel / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP2384216
Portrait of Georges Duhamel
MEP2384238: Bruno Filippini singing / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP2384238
Bruno Filippini singing
MEP2384250: Bruno Filippini singing at Castrocaro Music Festival / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP2384250
Bruno Filippini singing at Castrocaro Music Festival
MEP2384253: Bruno Filippini wearing a pair of sunglasses / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP2384253
Bruno Filippini wearing a pair of sunglasses
MEP2384255: Bruno Filippini posing leaning on a balustrade / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP2384255
Bruno Filippini posing leaning on a balustrade
MEP2384261: Jacques Duclos attending the 8th National Congress of the PCI (Italian Communist Party) / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP2384261
Jacques Duclos attending the 8th National Congress of the PCI (Italian Communist Party)
MEP2384266: Giuseppe Dossetti speaking into the microphone / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP2384266
Giuseppe Dossetti speaking into the microphone
MEP2384278: Portrait of Roberto Sandalo / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP2384278
Portrait of Roberto Sandalo
MEP2384379: Gianni Ferrio looking at a map with Alba Arnova / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP2384379
Gianni Ferrio looking at a map with Alba Arnova
MEP2384405: Raffaella Carrà with three Telegatto, Italy / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP2384405
Raffaella Carrà with three Telegatto, Italy
MEP2384482: Raffaella Carrà with Gianni Boncompagni and Minnie Minoprio, Italy, 1970 / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP2384482
Raffaella Carrà with Gianni Boncompagni and Minnie Minoprio, Italy, 1970
MEP2384509: Raffaella Carrà and Nino Ferrer in Io, Agata e tu, Italy / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP2384509
Raffaella Carrà and Nino Ferrer in Io, Agata e tu, Italy
MEP2384516: Raffaella Carrà and Oreste Lionello in The radio at your home / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP2384516
Raffaella Carrà and Oreste Lionello in The radio at your home
MEP2384796: Raffaella Carrà and Enzo Paolo Turchi getting married in Canzonissima / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP2384796
Raffaella Carrà and Enzo Paolo Turchi getting married in Canzonissima
MEP2384809: Julie Driscoll singing at La Bussola / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP2384809
Julie Driscoll singing at La Bussola
MEP2384823: Julie Driscoll smiling on a chair by the seashore / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP2384823
Julie Driscoll smiling on a chair by the seashore
MEP2384856: Giuseppe Dozza testing an engraving machinery for voting plates / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP2384856
Giuseppe Dozza testing an engraving machinery for voting plates
MEP2384915: Vincenzo Scotti sitting on a desk / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP2384915
Vincenzo Scotti sitting on a desk
MEP2384918: Vincenzo Scotti smiling, Trento, Italy, 1981 / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP2384918
Vincenzo Scotti smiling, Trento, Italy, 1981
MEP2384960: The members of the band Formula 3 in the middle of a street / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP2384960
The members of the band Formula 3 in the middle of a street
MEP2384963: Bettino Craxi's speech an Italian Communist Party congress / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP2384963
Bettino Craxi's speech an Italian Communist Party congress
MEP2385016: Margot Fonteyn raising her arms in the ballet Marguerite and Armand / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP2385016
Margot Fonteyn raising her arms in the ballet Marguerite and Armand
MEP2385032: Gianni Morandi singing at Scala reale / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP2385032
Gianni Morandi singing at Scala reale
MEP2385056: Jimmy Fontana playing the saxophone / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP2385056
Jimmy Fontana playing the saxophone
MEP2385065: Jimmy Fontana holding an open umbrella / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP2385065
Jimmy Fontana holding an open umbrella
MEP2385115: Claudio Martelli keeping his hand under his chin / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP2385115
Claudio Martelli keeping his hand under his chin
MEP2385120: Sandro Pertini in his office at Quirinale / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP2385120
Sandro Pertini in his office at Quirinale
MEP2385122: Claudio Martelli, Rino Formica and Enrico Manca during a public meeting / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP2385122
Claudio Martelli, Rino Formica and Enrico Manca during a public meeting
MEP2385239: Vittorio Valletta speaking with two men / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP2385239
Vittorio Valletta speaking with two men
MEP2385277: Uto Ughi arranging his violin / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP2385277
Uto Ughi arranging his violin