Brigitte Bardot on the set of the second segment of the film "Spirits of the Dead" - "William Wilson", Italy, 1967 (photo) / Bridgeman Images
Outside of the church of San Michele Arcangelo said the Foppone - Besana Rotunda in Milan (Esterno della chiesa di San Michele Arcangelo detta il Foppone - Rotonda della Besana a Milano), Arrigoni Attilio, 1695 - 1698, 17th Century / Bridgeman Images
The Pirelli tower block in Milan (Grattacielo Pirelli a Milano), by Danusso Arturo, Ponti Gio(vanni), Fornaroli Antonio, Rosselli Alberto, Dall'Orto Egidio, Nervi Pier Luigi, Valtolina Giuseppe / Bridgeman Images
Sforza Castle (Castello Sforzesco), sketch by Luca Beltrami, Giovanni da Milano, Averulino, Antonio il Filarete, 1360 - 1370, 14th Century / Bridgeman Images
Basilica of San Lorenzo (Basilica di San Lorenzo), by Meda Giuseppe, Bassi Martino, Rinaldi Tolomeo, 364 - 402, 4th Century / Bridgeman Images
Postal and Telegraphic Museum of Central Europe - formerly the Royal Imperial Directorate of Posts and Telegraphs of the Habsburg Empire, by Friedrich Setz, 1890 - 1894, 19th Century / Bridgeman Images