MME4738610: Venice Lido, Venice Film Festival 1988. Dutch documentary filmmaker Ioris Ivens receiving the Golden Lion lifetime achievement award/Lido di Venezia, Mostra del Cinema di Venezia 1988. Il regista documentarista olandese Ioris Ivens riceve il Leone d'oro alla carriera - / Bridgeman Images
MME4738626: Venice Lido, Venice Film Festival 1988. Dutch documentary filmmaker Ioris Ivens receiving the Golden Lion lifetime achievement award (in the background, President of the Venice Biennale Paolo Portoghesi clapping)/Lido di Venezia, Mostra del Cinema di Venezia 1988. Il regista documentarista olandese Ioris Ivens riceve il Leone d'oro alla carriera (sullosfondo, il Presidente della Biennale di Venezia Paolo Portoghesi che applaude) - / Bridgeman Images
MME4738629: Venice Lido, Venice Film Festival 1988. Dutch documentary filmmaker Ioris Ivens receiving the Golden Lion lifetime achievement award/Lido di Venezia, Mostra del Cinema di Venezia 1988. Il regista documentarista olandese Ioris Ivens riceve il Leone d'oro alla carriera - / Bridgeman Images
MME4738646: Venice Lido, Venice Film Festival 1988. Dutch documentary filmmaker Ioris Ivens receiving the Golden Lion lifetime achievement award/Lido di Venezia, Mostra del Cinema di Venezia 1988. Il regista documentarista olandese Ioris Ivens riceve il Leone d'oro alla carriera - / Bridgeman Images
TEC4734174: Parc de Bagatelle, Paris 75016. The result of a bet between Marie-Antoinette and the Comte d'Artois, who had acquired the estate in 1775, this trifle miraculously emerged from the earth in sixty-four days! The park was designed by Belanger and realized by Thomas Blaikie, in a typical Anglo-Chinese style of that period. / Bridgeman Images
ITR4730615: Parc de Saint-Cloud (Saint Cloud), Hauts de Seine (Hauts-de-Seine), Ile de France. Architecture by Jules Hardouin-Mansart and Antoine Le Pautre, 17th century. The castle of Saint-Cloud was burned in 1870 during the Prussian offensive. The ruins were razed in 1891. Apart from the common areas, there are still the Grande Cascade, the Grand Jet, the Basin du Fer a Horseback and other basins. The gardens would have been designed by Andre Le Notre / Bridgeman Images
ITR4730637: Parc de Saint-Cloud (Saint Cloud), Hauts de Seine (Hauts-de-Seine), Ile de France. Architecture by Jules Hardouin-Mansart and Antoine Le Pautre, 17th century. The castle of Saint-Cloud was burned in 1870 during the Prussian offensive. The ruins were razed in 1891. Apart from the common areas, there are still the Grande Cascade, the Grand Jet, the Basin du Fer a Horseback and other basins. The gardens would have been designed by Andre Le Notre / Bridgeman Images
ITR4730676: Parc de Saint-Cloud (Saint Cloud), Hauts de Seine (Hauts-de-Seine), Ile de France. Architecture by Jules Hardouin-Mansart and Antoine Le Pautre, 17th century. The castle of Saint-Cloud was burned in 1870 during the Prussian offensive. The ruins were razed in 1891. Apart from the common areas, there are still the Grande Cascade, the Grand Jet, the Basin du Fer a Horseback and other basins. The gardens would have been designed by Andre Le Notre / Bridgeman Images
MME4730704: Recanati, View from the Mount Tabor, known as the hill of the Infinite because of this place Giacomo Leopardi wrote in his poem “” L'Infinito”” (The Infinite)/Recanati, Veduta dal monte Tabor, noto come il colle dell'Infinito perche di questo luogo scrive Giacomo Leopardi nella sua poesia “” - / Bridgeman Images
ITR4730706: Parc de Saint-Cloud (Saint Cloud), Hauts de Seine (Hauts-de-Seine), Ile de France. Architecture by Jules Hardouin-Mansart and Antoine Le Pautre, 17th century. The castle of Saint-Cloud was burned in 1870 during the Prussian offensive. The ruins were razed in 1891. Apart from the common areas, there are still the Grande Cascade, the Grand Jet, the Basin du Fer a Horseback and other basins. The gardens would have been designed by Andre Le Notre / Bridgeman Images
ITR4730733: Parc de Saint-Cloud (Saint Cloud), Hauts de Seine (Hauts-de-Seine), Ile de France. Architecture by Jules Hardouin-Mansart and Antoine Le Pautre, 17th century. The castle of Saint-Cloud was burned in 1870 during the Prussian offensive. The ruins were razed in 1891. Apart from the common areas, there are still the Grande Cascade, the Grand Jet, the Basin du Fer a Horseback and other basins. The gardens would have been designed by Andre Le Notre / Bridgeman Images
MME4730911: Palazzo Antici Mattei in Rome, on via Caetani, where poet Giacomo Leopardi lived from 23 November 1822 to the end of April, 1823, in the house of his maternal uncle Carlo Antici/Palazzo Antici Mattei a Roma, in via Caetani, dove il poeta Giacomo Leopardi abit dal 23 November 1822 alla fine dellõprii Le del 1823 presso suo zio materno Carlo Antici - / Bridgeman Images
MME4739686: Venice Lido, Venice Film Festival 1989. Taiwanese director of the movie “” A City of Sadness””, Hou Hsiao-Hsien, receives the Golden Lion Award for best film/Lido di Venezia, Venice Film Festival 1989. Il regista taiwanese del film “” Citt dolente””, Hou Hsiao-Hsien, riceve il Leone d'oro per il miglior film - / Bridgeman Images