The Chorus or Rehearsal of the Oratorio of Judith, illustration from 'Hogarth Restored: The Whole Works of the celebrated William Hogarth, re-engraved by Thomas Cook', pub. 1812 (hand-coloured engraving), Hogarth, William (1697-1764) / Bridgeman Images
Lavinia Fenton (1708-60) in the role of Polly Peachum from 'The Beggar's Opera' in 1728 (oil on board), Hogarth, William (1697-1764) / Bridgeman Images
The Fellow 'Prentices at their Looms, plate I of 'Industry and Idleness', published 1833 (engraving), Hogarth, William (1697-1764) / Bridgeman Images
The Industrious 'Prentice a Favourite and Entrusted by his Master, plate IV of 'Industry and Idleness', 1747 (engraving), Hogarth, William (1697-1764) / Bridgeman Images
Inside a Turkish Mosque, illustration from Aubry de la Mottraye's 'Travels through Europe, Asia and into part of Africa', published 1723 (engraving), Hogarth, William (1697-1764) / Bridgeman Images
The Rake's Levee, plate II, from 'A Rake's Progress', illustration from 'Hogarth Restored: The Whole Works of the celebrated William Hogarth, re-engraved by Thomas Cook', pub. 1812 (hand-coloured engraving), Hogarth, William (1697-1764) / Bridgeman Images
The Laughing Audience, illustration from 'Hogarth Restored: The Whole Works of the celebrated William Hogarth, re-engraved by Thomas Cook', pub. 1812 (hand-coloured engraving), Hogarth, William (1697-1764) / Bridgeman Images